Thursday, September 19, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

Why Nazarin Believes the COVID-19 Vaccine is Unsafe

Why Nazarin Believes the COVID-19 Vaccine is Unsafe

My friend Katrina, she is 28 years old. She was perfectly healthy before. She only had one dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Five days later, she was beginning to experience brain fog. Now she’s had a stroke. She’s had three suspected heart attacks. … I think the one question I would ask is how can […]

Unexpected 40 Percent Increase in ‘All Cause Deaths’ in 2021

Unexpected 40 Percent Increase in ‘All Cause Deaths’ in 2021

U.S. life insurance companies have reported an overwhelming and unexplainable increase in all deaths among 18 to 49 year-olds. Along with that, there’s also been an increase in certain medical diagnoses such as miscarriages and Bell’s palsy. … [There was] an alarming increase in certain things. For example, they saw a 270 percent increase in […]

Barbara Loe Fisher Talks About the COVID-19 Vaccine

Barbara Loe Fisher Talks About the COVID-19 Vaccine

I have this panoramic view. I look back and I see the trajectory. I see trends over time. In a way, we’re talking about the same issue that has not been dealt with properly, and that is the science has  never been done on any of the vaccines, but particularly with this [COVID-19] vaccine, to […]

COVID-19 Mystery: Why Some People Get It and Others Don’t

COVID-19 Mystery: Why Some People Get It and Others Don’t

All of the things that someone would do if they wanted to contract COVID, I unknowingly did all of those things before I knew that he had it. We drink from the same water bottle, I finished his food for him, we’d take naps together… he accidentally coughs in my face. I tested negative six […]

Why Vaccinated Biden Got a Breakthrough Infection

Why Vaccinated Biden Got a Breakthrough Infection

The President has been fully vaccinated. He had two booster shots. He was doing everything by precaution, more than most he’d been wearing the mask, of course prior to this. But it was an issue I raised with Dr. Anthony Fauci about why this keeps happening… people who get cases, sometimes repeat cases, in a […]

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