Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

Pfizer Lawsuit Could Change Everything in South Africa

Pfizer Lawsuit Could Change Everything in South Africa

Pfizer may be taken to court in South Africa to answer for the COVID vaccine. A group called Freedom Alliance of South Africa (FASA) filed a show cause notice on Monday with the High Court of South Africa. The filing included “real-world data analysis, which is claimed to show an association with increasing death from […]

U.S. Starts to Discern Between Those Dying From COVID and Those Dying With COVID

doctors in ICU

There is a difference between dying from COVID-19 and dying with COVID-19. The number of people dying with the disease may be significantly greater than those dying from it. A recent article by CNN medical analyst and Washington Post columnist Dr. Leana Wen made the distinction between dying from COVID and dying with COVID. Dr. […]

South Africa Confirms Second Guillain-Barré Syndrome Death Due to COVID Vaccine

J&J COVID vaccine

The South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) confirmed on Sept. 12, 2022 that another person in South Africa has died of a polio-like neurological disorder that causes paralysis known as Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) due to receiving Johnson & Johnson/Janssen’s adenovirus vectored Ad26.COV2.S COVID-19 vaccine. SAHPRA said the National Immunization Safety Expert Committee (NISEC) performed […]

Mercury Project Funds Research to Convince More People to Get COVID Shots

vaccinated girl giving ok sign

The Mercury Project, a global consortium of researchers dedicated to “combating the impacts of mis- and disinformation on public health,” is being sponsored by the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) of Brooklyn, New York. SSRC announced on Aug. 23, 2022 that it will provide $7.2 million in grant funding teams doing behavioral research aimed at […]

Death in South Africa Causally Linked to Johnson & Johnson COVID Vaccine

shot in the arm

On Aug. 4, 2022, the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) reported the death of an individual in South Africa shortly after receiving Johnson & Johnson/Janssen’s adenovirus vectored Ad26.COV2.S COVID-19 vaccine. The agency stated that the death was causally linked to the vaccine.1 2 3 4 5 The name and age of the person […]

Love, Not Fear, Will Get Us Through This Crisis

love will get us through this crisis

Recently, a jaw-dropping statistic has been promoted in the mainstream media in Australia: “If you’re vaccinated, [there is] 200x less risk of [another vaccinated person] infecting you.”1 This has in turn been repeated by the New Zealand state-funded media, TVNZ: “If two people are fully vaccinated, the chance of infection is reduced by 200 times. […]

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