Thursday, September 19, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

The Evil of Coerced Medicine

coercive medicine

Opinion | In their understandable enthusiasm to roll out the novel covid vaccines as widely and quickly as possible in early 2021, the public health establishment succumbed to two dangerous temptations: Propaganda and coercion. That their approach deployed these with the common good in mind (achieving herd immunity) and with good intentions (ending the pandemic as […]

Woman in Japan Dies 90 Minutes After Getting Pfizer mRNA COVID Shot

Japanese doctor with vaccine

A 42-year-old woman in Aisai City (Aichi Prefecture), Japan died on Nov. 5, 2022, about 90 minutes after receiving a fourth dose of a COVID-19 biologic. The dose was from Pfizer/BioNTech’s experimental Comirnaty bivalent mRNA COVID shot tailored for the BA.5 subvariant of the Omicron virus.1 2 3 Ayano Iioka, received the shot at a […]

Pfizer’s New RSV Vaccine for Pregnant Women on Fast Track

pregnant mother holding belly

Amongst frantic media coverage of increases in cases of (RSV) among children, Pfizer has announced the development of an experimental bivalent RSV vaccine for pregnant mothers in an attempt to protect newborns from being infected with the virus. The pharmaceutical giant plans to submit the results of their RSV vaccine clinical trials to the U.S. […]

Thyroid Disorders Can Be Caused or Worsened by COVID Shots

thyroid gland illustration

There have been a number of reports published in the medical literature describing cases of thyroid autoimmunity developing in individuals, who have received different types of COVID-19 shots.1 Cases occur in individuals who have never been diagnosed with a thyroid disorder and in those whose thyroid disorders worsen after COVID vaccinations. The thyroid is an […]

More Than 200 Million Doses of COVID Shots Dumped Due to Diminishing Demand

thrown away vaccines

Nearly two years after the introduction of COVID-19 biologics around the world, the pharmaceutical industry is facing a waning demand for these products. Scott Rosenstein, a New York-based health care adviser to Eurasia Group said: Supply is exceeding demand in much of the world, even with many countries rolling out booster shots. Once the perception set […]

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