Friday, July 26, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

The Solidarity Argument for Forced Mass Vaccination Turned Out to Be False

vaccine passport

We now have the data in black and white from Pfizer itself: already when the vaccines were launched, it was known that they would not protect from the spread of infection. And yet, millions of people have taken the vaccine, mainly because of the heavy social pressure felt through the solidarity argument. Therefore, they have […]

What is the True Vaccine Breakthrough Rate? The CDC Doesn’t Want You to Know.

confused doctor

By refusing to track most vaccine breakthrough cases, the CDC arrived at the strange conclusion that collecting and providing less public health information is in the public’s interest. Over a recent 12-day period the Milwaukee Brewers had nine players test positive for COVID-19. While we don’t know the vaccination status of all the players, the team […]

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