Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

“Little Women” Movie Spurs Interest in Scarlet Fever

Little Women poster

Little Women, the 19th century coming of age movie directed by Greta Gerwig currently showing in theaters nationwide, has moviegoers searching for information about scarlet fever. Beth, the youngest of the four March sisters, dies of complications of the infection at the climax of the movie. Scarlet fever is a bacterial infection caused by the […]

Government Should Get Out of Exam Rooms When Ordering Vaccines

hallway in Sacramento state capitol

Opinion | The nation has averted a so-called “public health crisis,” but that hasn’t stopped lawmakers from playing doctor. Propelled by the measles crisis, states are enacting laws limiting the personal and religious exemptions parents can claim from vaccine mandates. California has gone one step further, empowering a bureaucracy to review all medical exemptions to vaccine mandates, placing […]

One in Four Vaccinated Children in Chinese City Got Measles

Chinese children in a classroom

Story Highlights A new study shows that despite a measles vaccination rate of more than 97 percent, over a quarter of vaccinated children in Tianjin, China still became infected with measles. Even with two or more doses of measles vaccine, 8.5 percent of cases in the surveillance dataset and 26 percent in the case series […]

‘Too Sick to Get Vaccinated’?

elderly sick man in bed

One of the more common reasons some people in the United States give for why they believe everyone has an obligation to vaccinate their children and themselves with all of the vaccines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and mandated by state governments is that it protects those who are too […]

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