Friday, September 20, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

Study: Natural Immunity Offers More Protection Than Three mRNA COVID Shots

woman drinking water

As the debate continues surrounding the issue of bodily autonomy being violated by school and workplace COVID-19 vaccine mandates, a new research study that analyzed more than one million people has found that natural immunity to SARS-CoV-2 offers longer lasting protection than vaccination.1 The study, which was published in The New England Journal of Medicine […]

FDA Reports Systemic Health Problems in Women With Breast Implants

breast implants

Breast implant surgery is the most common cosmetic surgical procedure in the United States, with more than 313,000 surgeries performed in 2018—a 48 percent increase since 2000.1 Silicone implants are the most common reconstructive breast surgery. In 2018, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reported 101,657 breast reconstruction procedures, of which 78,814 used silicone […]

Compulsory Vaccination of U.S. Armed Forces Remains Controversial

soldier gets vaccine

In 1777, George Washington led the first mandatory military vaccination program when he directed soldiers of the Continental Army to be inoculated against smallpox. Soldiers had the option of voluntarily exposing themselves to the smallpox pustules either by scratching their arms or inhaling it through their noses.1 The story of George Washington being the first […]

A Gratitude Script for the COVID Vaccinated But Infected

memorizing a script

“I would like to let you know that I have tested positive for #COVID19. I am thankful to have received four doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, and I am feeling well while experiencing very mild symptoms. I am isolating and have started a course of Paxlovid.” These were the words of Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla […]

Research Linked to Leading Cause of Alzheimer’s Disease May Have Been Fabricated

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For nearly two decades, Alzheimer’s disease research, research funding, and prescribed drugs have been centered around a 2006 research paper hypothesizing that the cognitive decline causing the debilitating disease is due to buildup in the brain of a protein called the amyloid beta (Aβ) protein. But a recent investigation is questioning whether the data in […]

Herpes Zoster Reactivated Following mRNA COVID Shots, Studies Show

herpes zoster rash

Concerns about the adverse effects of mRNA COVID-19 shots continue to grow a year and a half after they began to be distributed under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) granted to Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Cases of herpes zoster (HZ) following messenger RNA (mRNA) COVID shots have been […]

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