Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

Virginia Joins Amicus Brief to Halt COVID Vaccine Mandate in Military

US soldier and flag patch

On Aug. 31, 2022, Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares added his name to an Amicus brief in a lawsuit urging the federal Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals to halt the U.S. government’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for military personnel.1 The lawsuit was filed by 35 Navy personnel requesting religious exemption to the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. A […]

The Experts Still Pushing Coerced Jabs

knights with lances

Opinion | Medical ethics is about protecting society from medical malfeasance and the self-interest of the humans whom we trust to manage health. It is therefore disturbing when prominent people, in a prominent journal, tear up the concept of medical ethics and human rights norms. It is worse when they ignore broad swathes of evidence, […]

Compulsory Vaccination of U.S. Armed Forces Remains Controversial

soldier gets vaccine

In 1777, George Washington led the first mandatory military vaccination program when he directed soldiers of the Continental Army to be inoculated against smallpox. Soldiers had the option of voluntarily exposing themselves to the smallpox pustules either by scratching their arms or inhaling it through their noses.1 The story of George Washington being the first […]

Air Force Cadet’s COVID Vaccine Religious Exemption Denied

Air Force Academy cadets

Opinion | Last month, a United States Air Force Academy cadet was informed by a superior officer that upon returning from the Cadet Wing’s spring break, he would receive an ultimatum: Receive the Department of Defense (DoD) mandatory COVID vaccine or be expelled from the academy upon return. Shortly thereafter, the order became official, giving […]

U.S. Supreme Court Rules in Case on Religious Vaccine Exemptions for Deployment of Navy Seals

Navy Seal

On Mar. 25, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court sided with the Biden administration allowing the U.S. Navy to consider the COVID-19 vaccination status of military personnel when making deployment decisions. The 6-3 decision overrides a lower U.S. district court decision that had temporarily prevented the Navy from treating deployment of Navy Seals with religious vaccine […]

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