Monday, September 16, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

U.S. Taxpayers Paid Billions of Dollars for COVID-19 Vaccine Development

U.S. debt spending

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the federal government of the United States is providing COVID-19 vaccines free of charge to everyone five years and older living in the United States, regardless of their immigration or health insurance status.1 Although the CDC states that COVID vaccines are provided to the […]

Federal Employees Fight COVID Vaccine Mandates in Court

woman and man pushing gavel

With a looming deadline of Nov. 22, 2021, thousands of federal employees and contractors continue to push back against the Biden administration’s sweeping COVID vaccine mandates. According to The Washington Post, tens of thousands of federal employees remain unvaccinated pending word on whether religious or medical exemptions will be approved. Federal employees who fail to […]

U.S. Marines Not Fully Vaccinated by Nov. 28, 2021 Will Be Dismissed

Marine saluting flag

After several tactics to encourage mass vaccination of U.S. troops, the Marine Corps has given its active duty members a strict order: refusal to be fully vaccinated by Nov. 28, 2021 will result in discharge.1 In August, the Pentagon announced mandatory COVID vaccinations for all active duty and reserve military members, including the National Guard.2 […]

Senators, Doctors Urge CDC to Recognize Natural Immunity

building strong natural immunity

As millions of Americans have experienced COVID-19 disease and the COVID vaccine mandate issued by the government continues to impact the lives of the majority of  working Americans, Senator Roger Marshall, MD (Kansas),  along with several other congressional Doctors Caucus members, are urging Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) director Rochelle Walensky, MD to […]

Naval Commander Warns that Military Vaccine Mandate Poses Threat to National Security

solider gets vaccine

A U.S. Naval Commander is warning that the Pentagon’s orders to mandate the COVID-19 vaccination for all service members could be a threat to national security due to unknown effects of vaccine complications.1 Naval Officer J.H. Furman said that further study is needed before requiring the entire military force, which is comprised of an estimated […]

40 Percent of U.S. Marines Opting Out of COVID-19 Vaccination

Marines in dress blues

Story Highlights Among U.S. military forces, the rate of refusal for the experimental COVID-19 vaccines is reportedly at about 33 percent but may be higher. A new report shows that the number of Marines declining COVID-19 vaccinations may be closer to 40 percent. To date, the military cannot mandate COVID-19 vaccinations because the FDA only […]

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