Wednesday, September 18, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

Flu Shot Fails to Protect Seniors and May Increase Miscarriages

elderly woman holding cane

Opinion | Flu season is creeping up on us again and there are widespread calls to get your annual flu shot, despite the fact that, year after year, this strategy turns out to have an abysmal rate of effectiveness across the board. One group that consistently turns out to draw the short end of the stick […]

Media Misreports Death of El Al Flight Attendant

Meir hospital in Israel

Many media outlets that reported the death of Israeli flight attendant Rotem Amitai on Aug. 13, 2019 published articles with headlines that either stated she died of measles or implied as much. The Times of Israel headline, for example, read, “Flight attendant who died from measles named as Rotem Amitai.” The United Kingdom’s Daily Mail […]

Former FDA Commissioner Gottlieb Joins Pfizer

walking out a revolving door

Former Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, MD has joined the board of directors of Pfizer, Inc.—the world’s largest pharmaceutical company and second largest manufacturer of vaccines. Pfizer, which posted total revenues of $53.7 billion in 2018, announced Dr. Gottlieb’s election to the board on June 27, 2019.1 2 3 4 Dr. Gottlieb, […]

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