Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

Reject Big Pharma’s Vaccine Mandates in 2020

syringe and lady liberty

Opinion | Since 2015, we’ve seen the slow and steady erosion of vaccine informed consent rights across the U.S., as the forced vaccination lobby led by the pharmaceutical industry, medical trade and government health agencies have put pressure on state legislatures to mandate every federally recommended vaccine for children and adults while simultaneously eliminating vaccine […]

Trojan Horse of Measles—More Vaccines With the Mandate

MMR vaccine vial

Opinion | Bills to either remove or restrict vaccine exemptions have been filed across the U.S. in 2019. One of the most striking was New York’s A2371, which eliminated the religious exemption to vaccination in one day, with no public hearings. Soon after, New York state health officials eliminated the ability of doctors to grant medical […]

Nov. 14 Rally in DC To Raise Awareness About America’s Vaccine Injury Epidemic

girl looking at capitol building in the fall

On Thursday, Nov. 14, 2019 from 10 am to 4 pm, there will be a gathering of families with vaccine injured children, doctors, lawmakers and civil and human rights activists at a rally on the National Mall in Washington, DC to raise awareness about the vaccine injury epidemic and honoring those who have been harmed. […]

Judge Denies Injunction of NY Law Repealing Religious Vaccine Exemption

leaving town

On Aug. 23, 2019, New York State Supreme Court Judge Denise Hartman issued an Opinion upholding a law passed by the New York State Legislature and signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo on June 13, 2019 repealing the legal right of parents to obtain a religious exemption vaccination for their children to attend school and daycare […]

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