Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

Bayer Pressures Mexico to Lift Ban on Glyphosate

human body and cancer cells

In June 2020, agricultural and pharmaceutical giant Bayer AG was ordered to pay more than $10 billion in punitive and compensatory damages to U.S. plaintiffs over claims that the company’s glyphosate-containing herbicide known as Roundup caused cancer, specifically non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.1 The World Health Organization (WHO) classified glyphosate as a “probable carcinogen” in 20152 and many individuals, […]

Honeybee Venom Destroys Cancer Cells

bees flying

Story Highlights Honeybee venom has been previously studied for its potential benefits in the treatment of arthritis, rheumatism, pain relief, and cancerous tumors among other conditions, but the mechanism by which it works has not been clear. Australian scientists have published a paper with evidence for the ability of honeybee venom to rapidly and selectively […]

Children in Local County Getting Cancer, Rare Sicknesses

Children in Local County Getting Cancer, Rare Sicknesses

In Highland County, dozens of children have gotten cancer and other rare and deadly diseases. The health commissioner says he hasn’t found a spike in cases but people who live there, they disagree. … In Hillsborough in Highland County, children are getting cancer and rare diseases. We’re from a small town and this can’t be […]

504 Plans for Special Needs Children: The New Normal

holding hand of boy in a wheelchair

Every fall I meet with teachers and school officials to review my children’s 504 plans to protect them from anaphylactic shock. This back-to-school ritual has become so routine that we hardly give it a second thought. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 protects people with disabilities and other qualifying health conditions from discrimination […]

Half of Americans Will Be Diagnosed With Cancer by 2030

Man undergoing an MRI scan

Cancer is an “abnormal growth of cells.” That is perhaps the most succinct description of the disease, which is really more a group of diseases since there are more than 100 types of cancer. Cancer cells are malignant—meaning that they can invade and spread to different parts of the body, forming solid tumors (masses of […]

America’s ‘Good Medicine’ Mindset

mad mad scientist

The idea that you can give someone a disease, or something worse than that disease, by giving them a medicine designed to cure that disease or prevent the patient from contracting it and spreading it to others is so counter-intuitive, so unethical, so downright insane that it is unthinkable, unconscionable, unbelievable. After all, isn’t the first principle of medicine to “first, do no harm”? And yet… I think one of the greatest songs of all time is the one by…

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