Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

More Than 200 Million Doses of COVID Shots Dumped Due to Diminishing Demand

thrown away vaccines

Nearly two years after the introduction of COVID-19 biologics around the world, the pharmaceutical industry is facing a waning demand for these products. Scott Rosenstein, a New York-based health care adviser to Eurasia Group said: Supply is exceeding demand in much of the world, even with many countries rolling out booster shots. Once the perception set […]

Severe Reactions Minutes After COVID Vaccination Usually Written Off as Coincidental

doctor explaining something

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone who receives a COVID-19 vaccine should be “monitored on site for at least 15 minutes after vaccination.” This is based on the belief that most allergic reactions to vaccines, including severe ones like anaphylaxis, which can lead to unconsciousness, seizures, shock, coma and […]

Canadian Woman Dies Seven Minutes After Getting COVID Booster

woman holding red maple leaf

A sixty-nine-year-old woman died on Sept. 14, 2022 in Saskatoon (Saskatchewan), Canada seven minutes after getting a booster dose of a COVID shot at a Shoppers Drug Mart. Carol Diane Pierce, who was reportedly healthy, received the booster and was waiting during the required 15-minute period of observation before leaving the drugstore when she suddenly […]

What Weakened Immune Systems Have Wrought for Children

taking child's temperature

In the report of June 24, 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) noted a further rise from 450 cases to 920 cases of acute hepatitis in children worldwide from May 26 to June 24, mostly (78 percent) in children under the age of 6 years. Unfortunately, forty-five children required liver transplants and 18 children died. Most […]

Canadians May Have to Get COVID Booster Shot Every Nine Months

COVID shots for Canada

On July 4, 2022, Canadian Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos said Canadians may be required to get a COVID-19 booster shot every nine months to protect themselves against new variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Duclos said, “The virus evolves and Omicron made us aware we will never be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. We have to maintain our […]

What We Learned from Hating the Unvaccinated

thinking statue

The battlefield is still warm, following Canada’s war on the unvaccinated. The mandates have let up, and both sides stumble back into something that looks like the old normal—except that there is a fresh and present injury done to the people we tried to break. And no one wants to talk about it. Only weeks […]

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