Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

The Power of Public Health Agencies Must Be Curbed

Over the past three years, the public has seen first-hand the tremendous power the public health establishment wields. Using emergency power that most people never realized an American government possessed, public health violated Americans’ most fundamental civil rights in the name of infection control. We endured three years of useless and divisive policies, including lockdowns, […]

The Big Fail

COVID-19 vaccine vials

Vaccines have not curbed death rates from COVID in countries around the world. There is no clear evidence that they have saved lives and they have probably done more to precipitate deaths than to avert them. This is a conclusion reached after completing a straightforward statistical study that compares the death rate from COVID to […]

The mRNA Platform: What It Is, What It Means

mRNA strands

Back in the spring of 2020 we learned that Operation Warp Speed was hard at work creating a vaccine faster than one had ever been created before. From the decades-long history of vaccine development, we knew that vaccines took five to 10 years to make. The subsequent clinical trials could take longer. How was this […]

Pandemics are Not the Real Health Threat

disappointed angel

The Western world has been caught in a spiral of self-harm and debasement for the past three years. Aspects of the underlying psychology have been discussed in abstract terms, regarding mass anxiety and the actions of crowds. Little has been said about the possibility that we are simply terrified of death. This is a fear […]

How Can We Trust Institutions That Lied?

CDC headquarters in Atlanta

Trust the Authorities, trust the Experts, and trust the Science, we were told. Public health messaging during the COVID-19 pandemic was only credible if it originated from government health authorities, the World Health Organization, and pharmaceutical companies, as well as scientists who parroted their lines with little critical thinking. In the name of ‘protecting’ the […]

COVID Vaccines Have Saved Millions of Lives… in Models

nerd on a computer

As more and more questions are being asked by more and more scientists, health professionals and journalists, the narrative of “safe and effective” COVID-19 vaccines is crumbling by the day, and scientific truth is slowly beginning to impose itself. The simple scientific truth is that these vaccines are clinically useless, but not entirely harmless (no medical intervention is). […]

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