Thursday, September 19, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

Man Who Invented Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Admits He Hasn’t Been Jabbed

Man Who Invented Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Admits He Hasn’t Been Jabbed

Dr. Ugur Sahin, the CEO of BioNTech—the biotechnology company that worked with Pfizer to develop the world’s first COVID vaccine—has admitted on camera that he did not get jabbed with the COVID vaccine. When asked by a German reporter why he wasn’t vaccinated, Dr. Sahin became evasive and vaguely claimed that it’s illegal for him […]

New COVID Shots Same As Old Ones

puzzled woman

Two studies performed recently at Columbia University and Harvard University have found that the new COVID-19 bivalent (two-in-one) booster shots developed by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna/NIAID do not provide better protection against the BA.4 and BA.5 Omicron subvariant viruses than the original monovalent formulations of the shots.1 2 3 In the Columbia study, 19 people were […]

Severe Reactions Minutes After COVID Vaccination Usually Written Off as Coincidental

doctor explaining something

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone who receives a COVID-19 vaccine should be “monitored on site for at least 15 minutes after vaccination.” This is based on the belief that most allergic reactions to vaccines, including severe ones like anaphylaxis, which can lead to unconsciousness, seizures, shock, coma and […]

Another Study Confirms COVID Vaccine Alters Menstrual Cycles

checking menstrual cycle

A study published in the BMJ Medicine in August 2022 involving almost 20,000 women found an association between those who received a COVID-19 shot and an increased length in menstrual cycles. Of the 15,000 vaccinated women in the study, two-thirds received Pfizer/BioNTech’s COVID messenger RNA (mRNA) biologic, but the data also included women who received […]

Organ Transplant Failures After COVID Vaccination

kidney and bladder

In 2022, researchers have published articles in the medical literature reporting organ transplant failures in people who have recently received COVID-19 shots. These reports include corneal graft rejections and solid organ transplant failures involving the kidneys, livers, lungs, hearts and pancreas. A study by Japanese researchers published in June in the Journal of Clinical Medicine […]

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