Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

Dr. Peter Rost, Former Pfizer VP, Explains How Big Pharma Buys Influence

Dr. Peter Rost, Former Pfizer VP, Explains How Big Pharma Buys Influence

Everybody that I’ve encountered in my former career as a pharmaceutical executive are out there with their hands out. Everybody’s begging for money. Nobody has any money. The government doesn’t have any money. Universities don’t have money. The only ones that have money are these multinational corporations. And they have lots of money. And they […]

Big Pharma’s Influence on U.S. Medical Schools is Significant

medical school students

An informal survey of medical schools conducted in 2005 by National Public Radio (NPR) showed that a number of universities and academic institutions are funded by pharmaceutical giants and other health industry sources. The survey, carried out through telephone calls and internet searches, found that two to six percent of the yearly budget of medical […]

Pfizer Poised to Dominate U.S. Market for COVID-19 Biologics

Pfizer logo

Last week was a bad one for COVID-19 biologics produced by Moderna, Inc. and Johnson & Johnson, Inc. (J&J). News reports began filtering out about new research from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which were published on Apr. 5, 2021 in the journal JAMA and revealed that people who receive Moderna’s […]

Big Pharma Pulls the Strings in Maine

pulling the strings

Trust but verify! Recently, Dr. Laura Blaisdell told [the people of Maine) during a radio that her ‘No on 1’ coalition includes a group of trusted, local physicians. These are the same people who stroll around the state capitol [in Augusta] donning their lab coats. Their subliminal message of superiority is not missed on the […]

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