Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

Inside Australia COVID Internment Camp

Inside Australia COVID Internment Camp

Since the COVID pandemic hit, we’ve all got to know another side of Australia. With some of the longest and most stringent lockdowns and travel restrictions in the world, it’s become a case study of what happens when a government will do anything to keep COVID numbers low. Their latest policy is to build special […]

Unvaccinated Parents Banned from Seeing Their Hospitalized Children in Western Australia

girl in a hospital bed

The Premier of Western Australia, Mark McGowan, recently announced new restrictions for Australians in the region who have refused to receive COVID-19 vaccinations.1 Premier McGowan said that proof of COVID vaccination will be required before anyone can enter a wide range of public spaces and engage in activities deemed by the government to be “high-risk,” […]

Novavax’s Protein COVID-19 Vaccine Now Available in Europe

Novavax's COVID-19 vaccine

Novavax’s experimental NVX-CoV2373 (also known as “Nuvaxovid” and “Covovax”) COVID-19 vaccine has been authorized for distribution in the European Union (E.U.), making it the fifth COVID vaccine available for use in the E.U. Approved for people over 18 years old, Nuvaxoid is the first protein subunit COVID vaccine to be approved for use.1 2 The […]

Love, Not Fear, Will Get Us Through This Crisis

love will get us through this crisis

Recently, a jaw-dropping statistic has been promoted in the mainstream media in Australia: “If you’re vaccinated, [there is] 200x less risk of [another vaccinated person] infecting you.”1 This has in turn been repeated by the New Zealand state-funded media, TVNZ: “If two people are fully vaccinated, the chance of infection is reduced by 200 times. […]

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