Monday, September 16, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

Heated Exchange between Sen. Rand Paul and Dr. Anthony Fauci on Vaccines and Royalties

Rand Paul and Tony Fauci

Dr. Fauci, the government recommends everyone take a [COVID-19] booster over age five. Are you aware of any studies that show reduction in hospitalization or death for children who take a booster? Right now, there’s not enough data that has been accumulated Senator Paul to indicate that that’s the case. I believe that the recommendation […]

More Vaccinated, Boosted U.S. Government Leaders Test Positive for Coronavirus

Anthony Fauci

Since The Vaccine Reaction began publishing articles last year (Vaccinated Americans Count Their Blessings Despite Getting COVID and The Vaxxed and Boosted Get COVID But Praise Vaccines for “Mild” Symptoms) tracking members of the U.S. Congress who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, despite being fully vaccinated and boosted, dozens of additional U.S. Senators and Representatives have tested […]

Moderna CEO Was Paid $18.2 Million in 2021

Stephane Bancel

As COVID-19 vaccine sales continue to soar, Moderna Chief Executive Stephane Bancel’s total personal financial compensation increased by 41 percent in 2021, reaching $18.2 million. The company’s total revenue rose 2,200 percent in 2021, jumping from $803 million to $18.5 billion.1 2 Moderna partnered with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), headed […]

The Twisted Reign of Baron von Münchhausen (by Proxy)

Munchausen Syndrome

In what in retrospect (and lamentably) were the very early days of the panicdemic (October, 2020), I wrote: No, the pandemic is not a virus, it is a pandemic outbreak of Münchhausen’s Syndrome by Proxy which focuses its obsessions on the virus. Münchhausen’s Syndrome by Proxy is a mental illness in which the sufferer fantasizes […]

U.S. Hospitals May ‘Recalculate’ How They Report COVID Cases

recalculating COVID hospitalizations

Perhaps influenced by the lifting of COVID-19-related restrictions by several European countries—starting with Denmark—during the past two weeks, the United States seems to be on the verge of following Europe’s lead in declaring the pandemic over. In a recent interview with the Financial Times, White House chief medical advisor and director of the  National Institute […]

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