Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

Twitter Pressured to Label COVID-19 Facts as “Misinformation”

Twitter building

In March of 2020, the global social media platform Twitter implemented a COVID-19 “misinformation” policy that would add labels and warning messages to Tweets Twitter administrators deemed to be “misinformation.” Under this effort to censor certain information about COVID-19 and COVID vaccines that does not align with government policy, tweets could also be removed altogether […]

CDC Colluded with Big Tech to Censor COVID Vaccine Information, Evidence Shows

social media censorship

America First Legal (AFL), a non-profit organization based in Washington, DC that works to defend American citizens from unconstitutional government overreach, released documents from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealing evidence of collusion between the CDC and major social media corporations to censor free speech on the COVID-19 pandemic and promote a […]

CENSORED: National Vaccine Information Center

Barbara Loe Fisher

A highly-rated nonprofit vaccine safety charity has been censored by Facebook on behalf of pharmaceutical industry interests in a purge of vaccine safety information. The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) had maintained a Facebook page since 2008. The organization was started 39-years ago. Co-founder and president is Barbara Loe Fisher. Fisher became a vaccine safety advocate after her […]

When Even The New York Times Doesn’t Pass Facebook Muster

New York Times paper ship

Opinion | If you’re on Facebook, by now you probably know that it has long ceased to be a social media platform where you can post freely without the threat of censorship. This is particularly true if you post something related to vaccines and vaccine policy or law that may not conform 100 percent to […]

Facebook Bans Ads “Discouraging” Vaccination

Facebook bans anti-vax ads

Facebook has announced that the company is implementing a new global policy banning paid advertisements on its platform that it has determined discourage people from getting vaccinated.1 According to a blog authored by Kang-Xing Jin, Head of Health and Rob Leathern, Director of Product Management at Facebook: Today, we’re launching a new global policy that […]

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