Wednesday, September 18, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

UK Health Officials Hide Results of Major Vaccine Trials

doctors asks for silence

Public Health England (PHE), an agency within the United Kingdom’s Department of Health and Social Care, has failed to publish the results of three major clinical trials evaluating childhood vaccines, according to British newspaper The Telegraph. The failure “breached the law” by neglecting to add the results of the trials to the EU Clinical Trials Register […]

Should Doctors Lose Their License Over a Difference of Opinion?

The art of medicine. It’s the cornerstone of medical practice. If medicine were all science, and only science, then we wouldn’t need human beings as doctors. We could just use computers. Or robots. They’d probably do better if medicine were simply the act of decision-making based purely on facts. How much easier would medicine…

Doctors Receiving ‘Merck Vaccination Service Awards’ for Pushing Vaccines

Where does your doctor’s allegiance lie? Does your healthcare professional listen to your needs and wants as a parent or are they nothing more than affiliate distributors for pharmaceutical companies? It was reported by independent journalist recently that some doctors offices are now demanding their patients sign an immunization contract. What’s an immunization contract…

Flawed HPV Vaccine Safety Statement Triggers Butterfly Effect

In chaos theory, there is a familiar metaphor known as the “butterfly effect” that suggests small changes in initial conditions (the flapping of a butterfly’s wings) can result in large differences in a later state (the pattern of a hurricane). In the area of vaccine safety, we’ve seen this play out time and again; most recently, when the misrepresentation of study data on minute…

Approve First, Test for Safety Second: CDC Policy Puts Pregnant Mothers and Fetuses at Risk

When a woman becomes pregnant, naturally, she wants to protect her unborn child above all else. Therefore, when offered a series of vaccinations said to protect her newborn baby against disease in the first few weeks of life, she will probably accept the vaccinations without a moment’s hesitation. When a woman becomes pregnant, naturally, she wants to protect…

The “Greater Good”: A Raw Deal for Muggles

Whenever you hear someone advocating “for the Greater Good,” run away as fast as you can. Either that, or take the person on aggressively. Be aware that that concept has been used by people throughout history to commit some of the worst, most heinous crimes against humanity. Adolph Hitler immediately comes to mind. His goal was to purify the human race by…

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