Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

Unvaccinated Parents Banned from Seeing Their Hospitalized Children in Western Australia

girl in a hospital bed

The Premier of Western Australia, Mark McGowan, recently announced new restrictions for Australians in the region who have refused to receive COVID-19 vaccinations.1 Premier McGowan said that proof of COVID vaccination will be required before anyone can enter a wide range of public spaces and engage in activities deemed by the government to be “high-risk,” […]

Unvaccinated Americans are Removed from Organ Transplant List


A young father of two children with a baby on the way, who was first in line for a heart transplant, was removed from the transplant list and denied the life-saving procedure when he failed to get the COVID-19 vaccination at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. The patient, DJ Ferguson, has been hospitalized since […]

Microchip Embedded Under the Skin Acts as Vaccine Passport

microchip under skin

“Imagine showing your COVID-19 passport with just a flash of your arm” captions a December 2021 video about a Swedish company that has developed a microchip inserted under a person’s skin in order to verify vaccine status.1 The microchip, developed by Swedish startup company Epicenter of Stockholm is approximately the size of a grain of […]

U.S. Marines Not Fully Vaccinated by Nov. 28, 2021 Will Be Dismissed

Marine saluting flag

After several tactics to encourage mass vaccination of U.S. troops, the Marine Corps has given its active duty members a strict order: refusal to be fully vaccinated by Nov. 28, 2021 will result in discharge.1 In August, the Pentagon announced mandatory COVID vaccinations for all active duty and reserve military members, including the National Guard.2 […]

The Totalitarian Roots of Vaccine Mandates

burned books

Opinion | Over the course of the pandemic, principles of what a free society means are being redefined by collectivists. Consider this essay, Don’t COVID Vaccine Mandates Actually Promote Freedom? Medical ethicists Kyle Ferguson and Arthur Caplan argue, “Those who oppose cracking down on the unvaccinated are getting it all wrong.” Ferguson and Caplan are sure their […]

The FDA Has a History of Rushed Drug Approvals

FDA approved

Two weeks ago, the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine was reported as the first COVID-19 vaccine to receive full approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for individuals aged 16 and older.1 But, for some, questions remain regarding conflicting discrepancies of the wording surrounding the approval.2 While the FDA’s report states that full approval was […]

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