Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

Many U.S. Universities End COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

college students walking

Many universities and colleges in the United States required proof of COVID-19 vaccinations for attendance when the shots were first introduced and, until recently, many of these academic institutions also required receipt of the new COVID bivalent booster shots.1 But almost two years since the rollout of the original COVID shots, many universities and colleges […]

Why Statistical Significance is Killing Science

analyzing data

In 2016, the American Statistical Association1 released an editorial warning against the misuse of statistical significance in interpreting scientific research. Another commentary was recently published in the journal Nature,2 calling for the research community to abandon the concept of statistical significance. Before being published in Nature,3 the article states it was endorsed by more than 800 statisticians and […]

Big Pharma Pays Universities for Most Medical Research in U.S. Today

shaking hands

In the past, collaboration between scientists in academia and pharmaceutical companies was relatively uncommon. However, lately there has been a growing interest in developing financial partnerships between these two sectors. The drug industry’s funding patterns for academic research has shifted from handpicked projects on investigation of…

Sit Down Science

Industry funded “science” has tainted our world and turned science-based evidence into science-biased propaganda. Universities are laundering money through foundations to intentionally hide relationships, while scientists secretly nurture their relationships with corporate executives. Negative outcomes go unpublished…

What is Peer Review of Medical Research Papers?

The aim of scientific research is to improve medical knowledge and find better ways to treat disease. As part of this process, publication in the medical journals enables the wider scientific community to share developments, and to test findings and take them further. Peer review is…

The Moran Team Study of 480 “Anti-Vax” Websites

group of people looking at websites

A story circulating on the Internet is publicizing a new study that concludes much of the information on anti-vaccination websites promote “unscientific views about vaccinations” and “use pseudoscience and misinformation to spread the idea that vaccines are dangerous.” The research, presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association…

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