Thursday, September 19, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

‘Shot in the Dark’ Bioweapon With Barbara Loe Fisher

‘Shot in the Dark’ Bioweapon With Barbara Loe Fisher

I was predicting many years ago that we would come to the day where you would not be able to function in society unless you had gotten every federally recommended vaccine—that you wouldn’t be able to hold a job, you wouldn’t be able to travel, get into a hotel, get on a plane… be able […]

Biggest Coverup in the History of Science | Rand Paul

Biggest Coverup in the History of Science | Rand Paul

We still don’t know where [the SARS-CoV-2 virus] came from. We deserve to know that. That should not be a political pursuit. And Dr. Fauci has made it so. He has turned into a political operative, and he has done so much damage to this country. Now, another answer you’ve been trying to elicit from […]

California Medical Misinformation Bill Tramples Doctors’ First Amendment Rights

California Medical Misinformation Bill Tramples Doctors’ First Amendment Rights

California’s state Senate passed a bill last night that can result in a doctor’s state license being revoked if they spread false or misleading medical information about COVID vaccines or treatments. According to Axios, the law designates spreading false or misleading medical information to patients as ‘unprofessional conduct subject to punishment by the medical board […]

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