Friday, September 20, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

European Union Plans Vaccine ‘Passport’ Allowing Summer Travel

European Union Plans Vaccine ‘Passport’ Allowing Summer Travel

The European Commission really doesn’t want this to be called a vaccine passport. They’re calling it a digital green pass or certificate, and this would essentially be in the form of a QR code—those funny little square barcodes that we’re all getting so used to seeing around in restaurants and things to scan and find […]

Outcry to the World from Israel | Ilana Rachel Daniel

Outcry to the World from Israel | Ilana Rachel Daniel

It’s called the Green Passport. We’re not told to wear it, but what they have done is they have, essentially, overnight created a second-class citizenry—a true medical apartheid that is disallowing healthy, law-abiding, tax-paying citizens from entering their place of culture if they do not participate in this experiment. It’s that simple We literally have […]

Are Vaccine Passports a Good Idea?

Are Vaccine Passports a Good Idea?

With more than 50 million people having now received their first dose of the [COVID-19] vaccine, there are questions about how proof of a vaccination could give people more freedom both at home and, indeed, abroad. Messaging from the government on the possibility of so-called vaccine passports has been mixed. The Foreign Secretary’s suggestion on […]

Elderly Man Dies Shortly After Receiving COVID Vaccine at Javits Center

Elderly Man Dies Shortly After Receiving COVID Vaccine at Javits Center

[New York] state health officials are investigating after an elderly man died shortly after receiving a COVID vaccine. … Sadly, that man collapsed outside of the Javits Center as he was leaving his appointment, but it is important to stress that it is still unclear if the vaccine had anything to do with his death. […]

Long-Term Care Staff Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine

Long-Term Care Staff Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine

More of the men and women who care for our elder, weaker and most vulnerable are rejecting the COVID vaccine. That’s what the state’s saying about employees of Florida nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Now, state leaders are growing more concerned that employees not wanting the vaccine will hinder state efforts to rebound from […]

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