Friday, September 20, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

Dozens in Central Florida Contract COVID-19 After Being Fully Vaccinated

Dozens in Central Florida Contract COVID-19 After Being Fully Vaccinated

So last week, we told you about those so-called “breakthrough cases.” It’s when fully vaccinated people contract COVID more than 14 days after their second shot. The nation’s top doc, Dr. Anthony Fauci, said he is taking these cases very seriously. The cases are popping up around the country, and there are many breakthrough cases […]

Americans Debate Vaccine Passports

Americans Debate Vaccine Passports

The question of vaccine passports is a conversation that has been going on around the world, Canada too, but it’s become politically divisive in the United States. Why is that? Well, it hits that intersection of privacy, freedom and the role of government in Americans’ day to day life—something that many Americans feel very strongly […]

Can Vaccine Passports Kickstart the Economy?

Can Vaccine Passports Kickstart the Economy?

Vaccine passports are coming. Someday soon, you may need to prove your COVID status to go to the pub, travel abroad or even go to work. Governments hope these passes can be key to kickstarting the economy and restoring basic freedoms. But could this come at a cost to individuals? The weekend is underway in […]

Obituary: Kansas Woman Died After Receiving a COVID-19 Vaccine

Obituary: Kansas Woman Died After Receiving a COVID-19 Vaccine

At the main street food and fuel in Effingham, Kansas a sign on the door says, ‘We’re saddened by the untimely death of Jeannie Evans.’ The owner, respectfully, did not want to speak about his former co-worker, but knew of what happened. EMS dispatch records say a 68-year-old woman had an allergic reaction at a […]

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