Friday, September 20, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

Thousands Protest in U.K. Against ‘Fascist’ Vaccine Passports

Thousands Protest in U.K. Against ‘Fascist’ Vaccine Passports

The vaccine passport issue is the final straw really. We’re not going to have freedoms to do anything at all. It’s the thin end of the wedge and it’s so tyrannical I’ve had enough. The funny thing is all these conspiracy theories that exist seem to be coming true. I’ve never even been on a […]

CDC Pressured to Track Breakthrough COVID Cases Among the Vaccinated

CDC Pressured to Track Breakthrough COVID Cases Among the Vaccinated

The CDC says of more than 159 million Americans who are fully vaccinated, about 5,000 have been hospitalized and about 1,000 have died. One piece of data missing, though, is how many breakthrough infections there’ve been in the U.S., not just those that result in severe disease. Studying this more could get to questions like […]

FDA Adds Warning About Rare Reaction to J&J COVID-19 Vaccine

FDA Adds Warning About Rare Reaction to J&J COVID-19 Vaccine

As the state sends mobile units from town to town to increase vaccination rates, the Johnson & Johnson shot is causing more worries. The FDA is now warning of a potential increased risk of a nerve complication called Guillain-Barré syndrome. Doctors say the roughly 100 cases reported after nearly 13 million shots should not be […]

Yes, Over 4,400 Fully Vaccinated People Have Been Hospitalized With COVID-19

Yes, Over 4,400 Fully Vaccinated People Have Been Hospitalized With COVID-19

As vaccination numbers decline but infection numbers continue to rise, concern is growing over breakthrough COVID-19 infections. Are people who’ve gotten the vaccine still contracting serious bout of the virus? Is it true that 4,115 fully vaccinated people have been hospitalized or died with breakthrough COVID-19 infections? … As of April 30th of this year, […]

Sen. Ron Johnson With Families on Adverse Reactions to COVID Vaccine

Sen. Ron Johnson With Families on Adverse Reactions to COVID Vaccine

Last week, The Wall Street Journal carried a column by two doctors—Dr. Joseph Ladapo and Dr. Harvey Risch. The Op-Ed was titled, “Are COVID Vaccines Riskier Than Advertised?” In that column, the doctors reported that, “The large clustering of certain adverse events immediately after vaccinating is concerning.” I would agree. And then there’s four that […]

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