Friday, September 20, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

COVID Among the Amish

COVID Among the Amish

Lancaster County, Pennsylvania… thousands of families lead lives largely separate from modern America. The Amish are a Christian group that emphasizes the virtuous over the superficial. They don’t usually drive, use electricity or have TVs. And during the COVID-19 outbreak, they became subjects in a massive social and medical experiment. … So it’s safe to […]

Protests Show the World is Over COVID Vaccination Mandates

Protests Show the World is Over COVID Vaccination Mandates

In numerous countries, thousands upon thousands of people have been protesting vaccine mandates and passports. … In Italy, thousands of people have been protesting this country’s Green Pass. The pass requires either proof of vaccination and negative test within the past 48 hours or proof of prior infection within the past six months. This is […]

Counting COVID Deaths

Counting COVID Deaths

As hindsight comes into clearer focus, we’re learning a lot about mistaken advice and policies amid the COIVD-19 pandemic. One still murky and disputed area involves the death toll—now upwards of 640,000 in the U.S., according to CDC. Some insist the true count is much higher, others claim it’s lower. Today we begin with the […]

‘Natural Immunity is 27 Times More Protective’

‘Natural Immunity is 27 Times More Protective’

We’re a year and a half into this pandemic by now and what we should be focusing on is people’s level of immunity, however acquired… whether it’s by vaccines or by natural immunity. That’s the way out of it. It’s not by vaccinating people who don’t need to be vaccinated like me, forcing people who […]

Healthcare Workers Protest Vaccine Mandate, Say It Will Create Worker Shortage

Healthcare Workers Protest Vaccine Mandate, Say It Will Create Worker Shortage

Vaccination is still a choice for most people, but men and women who work in the healthcare industry are required to get the shot. All healthcare employees in New York state must get vaccinated. No exceptions. This includes hospitals, nursing homes and several others kinds of healthcare facilities. … And I know that this is […]

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