Friday, September 20, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

Explaining the Supreme Court’s Decision to Block Vaccine Mandate

Explaining the Supreme Court’s Decision to Block Vaccine Mandate

The Supreme Court of the United States blocked President Biden’s vaccine mandate for large private businesses. But in a separate case, the court ruled that the mandate for health care workers at facilities which receive federal funds will stand. Companies with 100 or more employees, large companies… the mandate required all employees in those firms […]

Digital Vaccine Passports: Convenient or the Beginning of Surveillance State?

Digital Vaccine Passports: Convenient or the Beginning of Surveillance State?

Digital apps that use QR codes to confirm vaccination status or passports are used in New York, California and Louisiana, with as many as 30 states planning to roll them out. Journalist Judith Levine has handed over her paper vaccine card to dozens of gatekeepers but says she won’t be getting New York’s digital Excelsior […]

Media Reaction to CDC Guidance Demonstrates Global ‘Madness’

Media Reaction to CDC Guidance Demonstrates Global ‘Madness’

What if none of this has ever been about the science? Maybe it’s always been about politics and control. It seems to me that there was this surprisingly negative reaction from so many people who bought into every rule that they were supposed to follow to what should be received as welcome news. … This […]

Active Duty Service Members Discharged for Not Getting Vaccines

Active Duty Service Members Discharged for Not Getting Vaccines

More than 12,000 military service members who have opted not to get the COVID-19 vaccine and are asking for religious exemptions are having zero success. According to the services, the exemption requests are unlikely to be approved and are creating tensions within the military, leaving troops confused about exemptions that are, theoretically, available but impossible […]

Unvaccinated Europeans Fight for Rights as COVID Restrictions Tighten

Unvaccinated Europeans Fight for Rights as COVID Restrictions Tighten

Well, they’re living under lockdown, with no full access to society or jobs. They’re also facing fines and even jail. That’s what the unvaccinated are up against in many European countries, and the backlash is growing. …When I talked to American Alicia Durin and her German husband Andreas, they were packing, trying to get out […]

‘Compulsory COVID-19 Vaccines are Terrifying’ Says German Analyst

‘Compulsory COVID-19 Vaccines are Terrifying’ Says German Analyst

As a fourth wave of coronavirus and the Omicron variant is detected across E.U. countries, governments are reaching for emergency plans to stop the spread of coronavirus. E.U. restrictions in the form of lockdowns and laws implementing a mandatory vaccine have been met with violent protests and unrest as populations refuse strict COVID measures. Germany […]

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