Friday, September 20, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

Dr. Scott Atlas and Jesse Waters Discuss CDC Covering Up Data

Dr. Scott Atlas and Jesse Waters Discuss CDC Covering Up Data

What if you realized your family doctor’s been lying to you? … Giving you shots you don’t need, prescribing you unnecessary prescriptions, not telling  you about the possible side effects. Clearly, not giving you all the information you need. Would you ever trust him again? Of course not. You’d run for the hills and get […]

Dr. Joseph Ladapo: Closing the Curtain on COVID Theater

Dr. Joseph Ladapo: Closing the Curtain on COVID Theater

It’s our two-year anniversary. I still remember very clearly when people were telling us that, including a lot of people with a lot of degrees, were telling that 15 days to stop the spread and other really interesting statements. And I remember my wife and I looking at the newspaper and looking at the editorial […]

Inside Australia COVID Internment Camp

Inside Australia COVID Internment Camp

Since the COVID pandemic hit, we’ve all got to know another side of Australia. With some of the longest and most stringent lockdowns and travel restrictions in the world, it’s become a case study of what happens when a government will do anything to keep COVID numbers low. Their latest policy is to build special […]

PolitiFact Does a Fact Check on NVIC Interface for VAERS

PolitiFact Does a Fact Check on NVIC Interface for VAERS

A lot of claims regarding COVID-19 that have been cited have come from the [National Vaccine Information Center]. We just wanted reach out and ask why you reference them as a source, as well as in looking at their information… why do you reference that? Why do you use them as a resource? … Because […]

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