Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

Phillips Ventilators and BiPAP and CPAP and Breathing Machines Recalled Due to Health Risks

by Rishma Parpia
Philips ventilator
On Aug. 16, 2022 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an update on a June 2021 recall of certain ventilators, ...

Net Worth of Dr. Anthony Fauci and Wife Increased by $5 Million During COVID Pandemic

by Rishma Parpia
piles of cash
The net worth of Anthony Fauci, MD, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and his ...

Mandated Vaccinations. Who is Responsible for Their Risks?

by Heidi Wetzler | Guest Writer
vaccine vial and syringe
Opinion | If I am mandated to receive a COVID-19 vaccine in order to keep my job, and subsequently experience ...

40 Percent of U.S. Marines Opting Out of COVID-19 Vaccination

by Kate Raines
Marines in dress blues
Story Highlights Among U.S. military forces, the rate of refusal for the experimental COVID-19 vaccines is reportedly at about 33 ...

Poll: Half of Correctional Officers Do Not Want COVID-19 Vaccine

by Carolyn Hendler, JD
corrections officer
When a correctional officer took a poll of his co-workers on a private Facebook group asking whether they would get ...

Poll: Half of U.S. Military Families Do Not Want COVID-19 Vaccine

by Rishma Parpia
military family
A survey conducted in December 2020 by the Blue Star Families, a non-profit military advocacy organization, found that 53 percent ...

FluMist Vaccine Approved by CDC Without Proof It Works

by Rishma Parpia
Story Highlights The CDC recommended against using the live nasal spray FluMist vaccine for the previous two “flu seasons” due ...

CDC Accused of Manipulating Shingles Data

by Kate Raines and Barbara Loe Fisher
girl with chickenpox
The varicella zoster (chickenpox) virus causes a generally mild and short-lived disease when it occurs in young children under age ...

How NIH Uses U.S. Tax Dollars to Secure Profits for Vaccine Developers and Manufacturers

by The Vaccine Reaction Staff
How NIH Uses U.S. Tax Dollars to Secure Profits for Vaccine Developers and Manufacturers
It is no secret that huge conflicts of interest exist between vaccine promoters and vaccine makers. Pediatrician and vaccine developer ...

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