Friday, September 20, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

Senator Ron Johnson Panel on COVID-19: A Second Opinion

There is still much to learn about the coronavirus, COVID the disease and COVID vaccines. Early in the pandemic, our knowledge was minimal. But even then, because of what we learned from Italy and the Princess cruise ship, it was becoming obvious COVID was a disease that targeted the old and those with certain comorbidities. Instead of using that information, public health officials pursued a one-size-fits-all response that relied heavily on creating a state of fear to ensure compliance. They also kept moving the goalposts. For example, we went from a two-week shutdown to flatten the curve to zero COVID. From masks weren’t necessary to a single mask wasn’t adequate. From a vaccine that would prevent infection to a vaccine that would reduce severity of the disease.

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14 Responses

    5G microwave TOWERS and the detox reversal is
    GLUTATHIONE & Shielding ?
    (Spoiler alert ?: GOD WINS!)
    1) the DARPA bioweapon jab pushed by
    EVIL-human-hating luciferian-freemason-cabal-deep state-Illuminati-archon-satanist-pedophile-adrenochrome-drinking-pedovores is to make unwitting distracted angelic humans CONTROLLABLE “nodes” as “neural nets”
    on the negative alien
    artificial intelligence
    IoT (Internet of Things).
    2) the magnetic ? GRAPHENE OXIDE, HYDROGEL, LUCIFERASE glow-in-black light 666 patent self-assembles into MICRO-routers, MICRO-processors, MICRO-antennae when joined with millimeter MICROwaves of deadly 5G wifi. ?
    3) there is no virus, the symptoms of RADIATION SICKNESS/POISONING ☢️
    is the SAME AS CoVid (Certificate of Identification) which gives vaxxed a MAC address (Media Access Control)
    Bluetooth 12 digit alphanumeric code owned by big Pharma.
    4) if the vaxxed had zero pain and no fever post jab they probably had saline…tell them to see if their jabbed arm is magnetic, if their jabbed arm glows under black light, if they show a 12 digit MAC address when cell phones ? search for Bluetooth devices….
    5) detox the jabs NOW with NAC, iodine, seaweed, glutathione, baking soda & clay,
    this can be ALL BE REVERSED-refuse all jabs, masks, lockdowns, tyranny!
    Research Dr. Ricardo Delgado
    Fullerton Informer, Dr. Robert Young to start your TRUTH journey and use their detox protocol…
    We will survive THRIVE in the Golden Age of Humanity. Do not consent to evil and never comply to the bioweapon.
    thriveTrust God!
    You are loved and supported!??

  2. Ron Johnson – I am proud to be a Wisconsinite – because of you and what Dr. Koire knows and says. Hard to believe that public health people/corporate medicine would be so good at malpractice. I remember years ago after having bilateral mastechtomy – being told to be released (by the insurance company) 2 days after surgery – I could not even walk down the hallway on my own. This has been going on for tooooooo long and the damages done to children and grandchildren.NO WAY. Thank you for filming this. Canadian truckers ROCK. The state media SUCKS.

  3. THANK YOU… Ron Johnson and ALL of you who have put your lives on the line – you doctors, nurses, lawyers, pharmacists, and everyone who works with you to help you do what you are doing. Also, thank you OAN!! We appreciate all of you more than you can know!!
    God Bless you all!!!

  4. keep this fight going don’t stop we wand Fauci et al brought to JUSTICE
    then we the people need a Convention of states so we can audit our government to determine what departments we want to keep and what parts we want to get rid of.
    we need to remove the CDC, NIH, NIAID, HHS, AND EVERY HEALTH DEPARTMENT and remodel new departments.
    we need Congress to over turn the
    “Biodefence and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act” 2005 so big pharma cartel can be sued for faulty drugs and vaccines.

  5. we need to get Congress to over turn the 2005 Act, that shields pharmaceuticals companies from liability suits.
    “Biodefence and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act ”
    Then pharmaceuticals will marshal themselves.

    1. we need to get Congress to over turn the 2005 Act, that shields pharmaceuticals companies from liability suits.
      “Biodefence and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act ”
      Then pharmaceuticals will marshal th

  6. Next step.
    Results based incentive for health care.

    Hospital should get $ for fast recovery .

    Also report hospital recovery rates.
    No one would go to a hospital with a poor recovery rate.
    Not even for a different condition.
    Givein a choice.

    No one would admit to disagree.

    It would be difficult , we need to
    Consider, Include condition of pacent entering hospital.

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