Thursday, September 19, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

Armed SWAT Team in Arizona Breaks Down Door of Family with Unvaccinated Child


Just after 1 a.m. the morning of Feb. 25, 2019, a SWAT team with guns drawn broke down the door of a suburban home in Chandler, Arizona where parents were caring for an unvaccinated child with a fever. The armed policemen had a “temporary custody notice” from a judge to remove a two-year-old from the home after his mother refused to obey the order of a doctor to take the child to the hospital for testing earlier in the day. The child and his siblings, ages four and six, were taken into state custody and placed in foster homes and the mother and father both have been charged with child abuse.1 2 3 4 5

The story began that day when the mother, who is pregnant, took her toddler to Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, AZ after his fever rose to over 100 F. When the doctor asked the mother if the child was vaccinated and she said, “No,” the doctor told the mother to take her son to the emergency room at the Banner Cardon Children’s Medical Center in Mesa, AZ to be tested for meningitis.

According to The Arizona Republic, the mother said that after the doctor’s office visit, the child was laughing and playing with his siblings and, when she took his temperature again, it was near normal. She then called the doctor to say she would not be taking her son to the emergency room and also expressed worry that, because her son was not vaccinated, she would get in trouble with the Department of Child Services (DCS). When the mother did not follow the doctor’s orders to take the child to the hospital emergency room, the doctor contacted DCS.

DCS called the Chandler Police and “requested officers to check on the welfare of a two year old infant.” At 10:30 p.m., two police officers knocked on the family’s door but nobody answered. After a DCS caseworker arrived, a call was made to the doctor, who still insisted the child should be taken to the hospital. However, in a phone conversation between one of the police officers and the child’s father, who was inside the home, the father said that his son’s “fever broke and he was fine.” There are indications that the father was concerned about the high cost of an emergency room visit in light of the fact the child’s fever was down and he was acting normally.6

Just after midnight, the DCS caseworker obtained a “temporary custody notice” signed by a judge and police officers called the criminal investigations bureau. About 1:30 a.m., a SWAT team with guns drawn and yelling “Chandler Police Department” kicked down the family’s door. A video recorded by a security surveillance camera shows the father emerging walking backwards with his hands up and being immediately handcuffed, as the mother follows with her son in her arms.

The officers reported they found two other young children in their beds, one of whom was sick and had vomited, and that the home was “messy.” All three children were taken to the children’s medical center and then placed in foster care in separate homes.

Juvenile Court Hearing 10 Days Later

At a juvenile court hearing 10 days later, the parents asked for their children to be returned. Attending the hearing was state Rep. Kelly Townsend (R-Mesa) and members of Arizona DCS Oversight Group, which is composed of Arizona citizens concerned about abuse of power by DCS state government officials. According to The Arizona Republic covering the hearing, DCS was represented by a lawyer for the state Attorney General’s Office.7

The state’s attorney asked the judge to close the hearing to the public, commenting that members of the news media were in the audience and the family had spoken with the media, which he said was not in the “best interest” of the children. Judge Jennifer Green declined and pointed out that, in Arizona, “we like our courts to be open.”

The parents’ attorneys said they were unaware of restrictions about speaking with the media and that the parents had been allowed only one visit with their two older children since the night they were taken but had not seen their youngest child at all. Apparently, DCS officials told the parents they could not see their two year old son, who did not test positive for meningitis but had a common respiratory infection (RSV), because he was at a “medical appointment” the day of the scheduled visitation.

The state’s attorney opposed returning the children to their parents. He said the parents were “hostile” and not cooperating with DCS and they had brought members of the DCS Oversight Group to a DCS visit, while the grandfather had tried to videotape a meeting with DCS.

At the request of DCS, the judge approved psychological evaluations for both parents, ordered the father to continue drug and alcohol testing, and reminded the parents and grandparents that they were no longer in control of the children’s medical and health decisions, which were now being made by the state.

Doctor Professor: “I’ll Have to Call Child Protective Services”

A New York Times article quoted Seattle Children’s Hospital emergency room doctor and University of Washington School of Medicine bioethics professor Douglas S. Diekema, MD, who commented on the case. He appeared to side with the doctor who reported the mother to DCS for failing to follow orders.

Dr. Diekema said he personally encounters parents refusing a recommended treatment plan and sometimes will get a second physician’s opinion to convince the parents to comply so he can “avoid coercion.” Still, he does recall having told parents:

I hate to say this, but I have to let you know that if you walk out of this emergency room department, without agreeing to something that makes me comfortable, I’ll have to call child protective services.8

Arizona State Rep: “We used A SWAT Team on a family with a child with a high fever”

According to The Arizona Republic, after the early March juvenile court hearing, Rep. Townsend was interviewed outside the courthouse and said she was disturbed by the case. “It was brought to my attention that these parents may have been targeted by the medical community because they hadn’t vaccinated their children,” but parents who don’t vaccinate their children because of medical concerns aren’t criminals and shouldn’t be treated as such.

She also questioned whether DCS labeling the family as “hostile” was appropriate. “It doesn’t say anywhere that after your kids are taken, after police bust down your door, that you have to be nice to DCS to get your kids back.” Critical of the use of force, Townsend added:

We’re not talking cartels holding someone who’s been kidnapped, we’re not talking about a drug bust, we’re not talking about a flight risk. We’re not talking about any of that. This was a family with a child who has a fever…We used a SWAT team on a family with a child with a high fever.

Rep. Townsend helped write legislation requiring DCS to obtain a warrant before removing a child from their parents or guardians in non-emergencies. She said, “It was not the intent of (the law) that the level of force after obtaining a warrant was to bring in a SWAT team. The imagery is horrifying. What has our country become that we can tear down the doorway of a family who has a child with a high fever that disagrees with their doctor?”

During discussions in the Arizona legislature this year about whether vaccine exemptions should be restricted or expanded, Rep. Townsend, who has a vaccine injured child, defended parents’ right to make voluntary vaccine use decisions for their minor children.  She said:

Our country is sovereign, our State is sovereign, our family is sovereign, our God is sovereign and the most holy and sacred last frontier of sovereignty is our own body. Dearest friends and people of Arizona, it seems we are prepared to give up our liberty, the very sovereignty of our body, because of measles. I read yesterday that the idea is being floated that if not enough people get vaccinated, then we are going to force them to…. I am going to ask you to educate your children, educate your family, educate those around you about the fundamentals of liberty and what that means. It seems we have lost those fundamentals along the way and are chasing our fears.9

Children Placed in Custody of Grandparents

On Mar. 15, DCS agreed to allow the three children to live with the children’s paternal grandparents but the state still retains custody. In a statement sent to The Republic, the children’s father said in part:

 We have been through a very traumatic experience with our encounter with DCS. We would like other parents out there to know and realize the amount of power DCS has over the welfare of your children.  Even though we remain confident in our innocence through our case, it is immediately an uphill struggle of what to do or not to do….The process of removal in our opinion was uncalled for and we would like to see the laws/process change when dealing with expedited removal of children. Our children have sure been through a traumatizing experience and hope they have not been harmed psychologically or emotionally as we are a very happy family who love each other and would do anything for each other.

On Mar. 28, 2019, the Chandler Police recommended the mother and father be charged with child abuse.10


1 Nanez DM. A couple decided not to take their feverish child to the hospital. Hours later police kicked down their door. The Arizona Republic Mar. 25, 2019.
2 Navarro D. SWAT Team with Guns Drawn Raids Arizona Home for Toddler with Fever. ABC News Mar. 28, 2019.
3 Farzan AN. Armed police bust down the door at Arizona home and seize unvaccinated toddler. The Washington Post Mar. 29, 2019.
Hassan A. With Guns Drawn, Officers Raided Home to Get Feverish Child. The New York Times Mar. 29, 2019.
5 Billeaud J. Police in Arizona Kick in Door to Bring Sick Boy to Hospital. Associated Press Mar. 30, 2019.
6 See Footnote 3.
7 See Footnote 1.
8 See Footnote 4.
9 Innes S. State Rep Kelly Townsend says mandatory vaccinations are ‘Communist.’ The Arizona Republic Mar. 1, 2019.
10 Roberts L. Were Chandler police who raided a home of toddler with high fever wrong? No….and yes. The Arizona Republic Mar. 29, 2019.

78 Responses

  1. Medical Kidnapping strikes again.

    This has been a ongoing problem for years where the medical mafia calls in DCS or whatever it’s called in certain states to move by force or retain in a hospital a child who they feel they have the right to make medical decisions for. Here are links to other families whose lives have been turned inside out by the medical mafia and their cohorts-DCS/Police/Politicians:

    -Breastfed, Home birthed Babies Taken Away From Parents For Not Using Hospital-
    -Arizona Twin Boys Suffering from Environmental Illness Medically Kidnapped from Parents Feeding them Organic Diet-
    -N.Y. Mother Fights for Medically Kidnapped 13 Year Old Son Being Forced to Receive Chemo Therapy Even Though He is Cancer-free-
    -Local Media in Peoria Illinois Exposes Medical Kidnapping of Young Child Due to Child Abuse Specialist-

    Medical kidnapping happens a lot more than you think. This is nothing new.
    Vaccine Impact has a page that all parents of children should read-especially if you find yourself having to take your child to see the Doctor or go to the ER:

    How to Protect Yourself and Your Children from Medical Kidnapping

  2. Where can we donate to this family’s legal expenses – this case needs more attention. And this “naturopath” doctor needs to have his name published all over!!! This doctor waaaaay overstepped. His opinion and recommendation to go to the ER were just that: OPINION.

    1. The so-called “doctor” is a Naturopath .. The child may have Meningitis? and that “Doctor” does not prescribe Vitamin C??? That should be the first thing done, before any lab tests! You migh expect different from an Allopathic Quack (Sorry … doctor), but Naturopaths are supposed to have a few clues! It looks like America is coming closer and closer to a Dumbed-Down Police State.

  3. This is horrible. We are living in a Fascist nightmare! This is so bad, so cruel and so terrorizing.
    The CDC is WAY OUT OF LINE! It makes me feel lucky, at this point, that I do not have children.

    SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE, ARIZONA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. That is Bull Shit! As parents we have the right Not to vaccinate. I would like to take that Dr and DCS and have a procedure done to them against their Will !

  5. This story makes me so sick. I am so sorry for this family. Thank goodness for the representative hat stands up for our constitutional sovereign rights!

  6. If that doesn’t take the cake
    I have a 34-year-old vaccine damaged son and a 6 year-old unvaccinated daughter and this article scares me to death it’s like it’s mandatory we’re going to make your Amazing beautiful intelligent daughter a zombie whether you fucking like it or not

  7. I can not believe what I just read. Is this a police state. Do you people know what you have done to those children. Police breaking in to their home and taking them away to be with strangers. It is amazing how some people think they know what everyone should be doing. Back off, really do some research about vaccinations and don’t jump to punish people.

  8. There are so many gullible stupid people out there that will follow the pro-vaccinators at all costs – until the cost is too high and one of their children is injured – we have the ability to test for certain genetic susceptibility to an adverse reaction by a vaccine – we should be routinely doing this before sticking a needle into a child’s arm and potentially causing harm that may never be reversed – in fact we should insist this be done or no vaccine – I am not anti vaccination but I am anti government over reach – I think all people need to know that it is unconstitutional to mandate forced vaccination no matter what the idiot beaurocrats in California say –

  9. This is the same police department where an officer tazed a man 10 times in front of his wife and two young sons. the 11th time, the officer pulled the man’s shorts down ( while on his stomach and handcuffed) and then tazed him in the testicles. all on video! Its a sad day when the police are allowed to send s.w.a.t. team to terrorize a family. It doesnt seem to me like this should be legal for the police department to do this, but then, Chandler PD doesnt seem to care about what is legal. As far as I know, a parent has the right to decide for themselves about vaccines here in AZ. So many of us who are against vaccines have a hard way to go. We cant allow the government to take our freedom of choice away. Stand Up and Speak Out!!!!!

  10. Unbelievable! It is scary and surreal. It is tyranny.
    Representative Kelly Townsend is right. This is about our liberty and God-given rights.
    It sickens and angers me that bureaucrats and doctors have the amount of power that they do.
    We the people MUST stand up and say “NO! This is wrong and we will not tolerate it. It is our body, these are our children and not the state’s.”
    We must be loud and clear, or I am afraid we will have lost the fundamental right of a human, and citizenship as an American will mean nothing. We will simply be vassals of the state.
    Get involved people. The time to act is NOW!

  11. I highly recommend the book: ‘Dissolving Illusions’ by Suzanne Humphries, MD and Roman Bystrianyk. It will completely change the mind of anyone who thinks that vaccines stopped the spread of diseases and that they are safe and effective. Knowledge is power. We need to make informed decisions, but if we only have the lies of the government and vaccine manufacturers who have a vested interest in making profits then we are doomed!!

  12. There are many children being abused in this County – and the majority of the time DCS does Nothing……..and yet they go to this extreme on a child who has a Fever……….it’s totally outrageous. DCS has never been called on them before…….and it’s obvious these children were not abused – so why this extreme action is beyond my comprehension. I send my Prayers to this family………and hope they pursue this legally. My son was sickened by Vaccines back in the 70’s – when there were a whole lot less Vaccines Required.. which resulted in High Fever, etc, until his Pediatrician finally told me “no more Vaccines for him”. So, why not hold these Dr.’s and Vaccine Companies responsible for all the Damage done to children after Vaccines? Because………Pharmaceutical Companies make too much Money off them.

  13. So AZ is now a police state? This is a despicable overreach by DCS. Someone should set up a Go Fund Me page for this family so they can afford a good attorney to defend themselves and get their children back ASAP.

  14. Absolutely disgusting. The fact the Chandler Police recommend the parents be charged with child abuse is a clear indication of a conspiracy to crush these parents and their liberty in health care choices. These parents are to be made the example of what can happen to other citizens of Arizona who oppose following doctor’s orders, which includes vaccinating your children. It is quite clear in my mind that these medical tyranny tactics would not have been implemented if the parents had vaccinated their children.

    Obviously, vaccinations have nothing to do with protecting the health and well-being of the children and communities of Arizona. If it were, Chandler police would be rounding up all of their illegal aliens and vaccinating them. Apparently, the tens of thousands of undocumented unvaccinated are not considered as much of a health risk.

  15. The doctors, by the duty imposed by their employer, not necessarily the hippocratic oath, are inclined to diagnose everyone whom presents before them with something. And so it begins, tyranny through medicine is here. One of the things the founding fathers overlooked because this industry developed after the fact of the Constitution. Medical kidnapping is very real and all parents should have candid conversations with doctors before they elect to have that doctor noted as their primary care giver. If you do not choose one voluntarily the hospitals will choose one for you. An apple a day keeps the doctor away and medicine will never be cool or trendy to logical liberty minded people no matter what branding or government edict is placed alongside it. It will not be long now before parents whom put liberty first are paying back room monies to work with people to furnish documentation of compliance, while still retaining their liberty in silence. Yes, that’s what it comes down to. It’s like prohibition in reverse, but still equates to the same principals. Instead of the government ordering incarceration for taking drugs, now they’re ordering incarceration for not taking THEIR drugs. Why not, the war on drugs was so wildly successful at being a profit machine, and the people went for that for so long. As the money dries up with the abstinence towards the ideals of prohibition taking firmer root, those corrupt government sycophants still want their payday. Like the tea in the Boston Harbor, we are giving the big pharma products and taxation through lobbyist induced subsidies back to the lords. It’s not as simple these days but the principals are still the same. Give me liberty or give me death. I swear upon the altar of god resistance to all forms of tyranny over the minds of man. Next up will be a diagnosis of clinical depression upon the parents, for being upset they were terrorized by their own doctor. Down the rabbit hole we go. Tyranny is here.

  16. This was clearly a case of true abuse of power by the state to traumatize this family and children that are suppose to be sovereign from such tyranny under our laws of justice at its best and which shows that such tyranny by the state will stop at nothing or anyone to unlawfully imprison any of us United States citizens to clearly make their point that from just the view point of a single person impowered by the state with malice & a narrow and ignorant point of view at its worst! Undeniably, we are clearly starting to see a shift from our American Justice system where one is innocent until proven guilty into a perversion of this justice system whereby many innocent people are clearly labeled as guilty until they can prove their innocence. When will the citizenry wake up and see what a mockery many of our people in power are committing upon many innocent people only because of their narrow minded view points and quest for just absolute power! And just remember that this quest for absolute power always corrupts absolutely!!! That is my fellow citizens, who will be next to this abuse of power???

  17. Unconscionable abuse of power, immoral over-reach of mindless authoritarianism, flagrant disregard for the psychological well-being of children being forcibly separated from their loving parents…!!! Forced drugging of children by the State, at the point of a gun?

    Are you people crazy? Are you mad? Are you economically vested in the pharmaceutical industry?

    Is this the sub-Human level of social evolution we have degenerated into, where parents are bullied by SWAT teams, for deciding not to drug their children?


  18. This outrageous act is un-American and contrary to medical ethics.

    The family needs good legal representation and I hope they collect damages from those who violated their rights.

  19. This is Awful and Scary, but not at all surprising as to how our governments’ power seems to increase without any accountability at all! We need to fight, with our God given and Constitutional Rights, yet we need to be as shrewd as a Viper, and as Innocent as a Dove, as Scripture tells us. We must learn to Fight, but know when to “Play the Part” in order as to NOT have our children taken from us. I do not know how to do that yet, but am trying to figure out a game plan. This most likely great family, tried to stand up as honestly as they could and the system just steamrolled them. If we don’t want our kids taken, we better be Wiser and Craftier than the system. In all things, we MUST TRUST AND RELY ON GOD. I will be praying for this ripped apart family, and that God will see Justice in the End. Father, please be with this family in this terrifying situation, Protect the children from physical as well as mental abuse from where they are staying. Protect the parents and grandparents from INJUSTICE and from heartache. I pray that your hand would be upon this whole situation, and that YOUR WILL BE DONE. In Jesus Christ Mighty Name, Amen-

  20. I would be “hostile” too! This is absolutely unconscionable! The authorities have certainly caused trauma to the parents but especially to the children in this family. Terrible decision to take the children away. For what? For a suspicious sickness? They are stating “child abuse?” My god! What is this world coming to? A Totalitarian regime?
    I have had five children and have gone through many a sickness with very high fevers too! They are all fine today and no one ever got into our business about how to take care of them with these sicknesses. But things have changed. And the CDC wants to force people into compliance with vaccines which could possibly damage a child who’s immune system is already weakened by a virus. This just makes sense! Good luck to this family. May they come out the victors!

  21. This is appalling and a fear of any parent or grandparent who chooses to make informed (health) decisions for ourselves and our children. Her immunity?? How about herd behavior?!

  22. The assumed rights of ANY government and medical entities in how they FORCIBLY take over the rights and lives of ANY child/ family is tantamount to SLAVERY, AND COMMUNISM.

    The family and free people of the USA should be demanding their rights, and the people need to tell the government WHO ARE THEIR BOSSES! WE THE PEOPLE!!!

    I am sure that if a child is truly abused at the hands of the parents, it would be obvious to everyone who knows them.

  23. I’ve never taken my kids to the doctor for a high fever. Fevers are good; it’s the body doing it’s job to kill whatever is ailing it. This instance reiterates the fact we need to stay very far away from medical “professionals”.

  24. That physician should have his license revoked and the Chandler police department sued for such abuse of power. We must rise up and fight this slippery slope into fascism that is happening in this country. Where is the American Civil Liberties Union in a case like this? Thank God they have Rep Townsend on their side.

  25. This was a very tasteless and disgusting scenario from the law enforcement agencies. They ought to be shame of themselves including the busybody ‘natural doctor’.

  26. Will the state use this same kind of thug practice to raid an abortion clinic- the highest form of child abuse. Let me get this right. The state can turn someones life upside down because of a difference of opinion between parents and a doctor but if a child survives abortion it’s okay to let the child die. Sick World!

  27. Let’s all continue praying and praying fervently for our Nation. SWAT teams tearing down doors of parents who may disagree with a doctor’s opinion and traumatizing the family and the young children….BUT not even batting an eye when infants who survive abortion are left on an exam table to die! Sure! That is OK to do! May God have mercy on us all!! “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; mercy and truth go before Your face.” Psalm 89:14.

  28. Omg! This is horrifying….I can’t even imagine what this poor family has been through. What on earth is happening in this country? So very very scary.

  29. Forcing vaccines by law are coming to all states unless people stand up for CHOICE. Next it will be homeschooling will be illegal or monitored by the states, churches sermons will need to be reviewed by a government official before being read, etc ,etc. This is not freedom at all.

  30. I know one thing. If I had young children, I would emigrate to a more child friendly country. This country is a totalitarian state. I am single with no dependents, so it is just me, but this is just unbelievable. I guess not even former communist countries would have done things like these. Wake up America !

  31. People think this can’t happen to them because they are “educated” or make a good income. This is not true. No one is immune from this sort of power grab. I live in Indiana and children’s protective services here are incompetent, power-hungry and absolutely not interested in the welfare of the child. I am a psychotherapist and have worked for a DCS contractor…briefly until I couldn’t bear to be a part of what they do.
    People should be deeply concerned

  32. This is a civil rights issue. And abuse by the authorities. We are now living in a dictatorial medical state. This country is brainwashed by the medical system and controlled by Big Pharma and the CDC. Appalling.

  33. This is the most outlandish accusation of child abuse I have ever heard of – since when does a fever in a 2 yr old constitute removal from their parents especially when they are acting normally and have a normal childhood viral illness. Even in light of a measles outbreak, children who are unvaccinated have stronger immune systems than vaccinated children oftentimes and do fine having measles and many other viral illnesses without the interference of egotistical controlling Health care providers who involve the state inappropriately to bully parents into doing things to their children that they don’t really agree with. If we lose our freedom to advocate for our own children in this world despite having a different opinion from the recommendations of a healthcare provider, we will indeed watch more and more children be vaccine injured and endure more illnesses than if we left most of them alone or at the least allowed for individual decision making concerning vaccines and the next course of action when we have a sick child. I am an ER physician and I would never see a child with this type of illness and state that DCS needs to get involved just because an unvaccinated child has a fever but is acting normally. We make decisions every day to go to the ER for care and making a decision not to go usually means the parents aren’t concerned not that they are neglectful criminals or child abusers.

  34. The last statement of the article is as absurd and frustrating as the rest of it. Child abuse? How about some high powered lawyer suing the doctor, DCS and the Chandler PDP for child abuse because their misguided actions are what is the only true crime here. I feel for the parents who must have had their hearts ripped out when their children were forcibly torn from them. I feel for the children who most assuredly have been permanently traumatized by such an unnecessary and horrifying experience. This all sounds like what America so often has gone to war against in the past in other parts of the world when human rights and poor, defenseless children were being attacked and endangered.

  35. I am a grandparent of an autistic child. I personally watched my 20 month old grandson turn from a laughing, talking, happy, social child into a zombie with 48 hours of an MMR vaccination. I have a cousin-in-law who watched the same incident when his grandson had an MMR vaccine. I believe that there should be a HUGE march on Washington DC of ALL victims, mothers, fathers, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, brothers and sisters and friends, who have a relative or friend who was harmed, or believe was harmed by a vaccine. If hundreds of thousands come to march and protest and fill our legislators offices, fill the courtrooms with plaintiffs for the victims, talk to the President Trump, then we can accomplish our goals against big pharma and the DCS and doctors who are duped and people who are duped. There are many doctors, like Dr Mercola, that will help us all out to fight this horrendous battle against this tyrannical government who wants to take possession of our children. Rescuing Our Children, including in our government schools, is a must to save the future for our children and our freedom and liberty.
    I don’t see the group of doctors or dcs down at the border giving out vaccines to every person that breaks into our country. I don’t see them at airports to intercept foreigners coming into our country to check their documents of vaccinations from their country. The citizens of this country are the victims and our government officials seem to be the oppressors. It’s time for a BIG March against big pharmaceutical companies. They are too big and powerful!!!
    God bless our USA!! ??????

  36. The story in the New York Times shows the whole video of the detailed event which lasted hours. The boy was said to have a 105 degree temperature. If they would have shown the officer the boy, things wouldn’t have gone to this level. I am not agreeing with law enforcement/CPS but clearly they thought this child was going to die and the family was non compliant with repeated attempts to reason with the family by phone advising them what would happen each step of the way. They refused to answer the door several times. This would have happened regardless if the boy was vaccinated because the clinic doctor told them to go to the hospital and they did not. Anytime a doctor advises someone to go to hospital, CPS would be called. Additionally, if someone left ER with sick child because they didn’t want to wait or thought child was better, CPS would be called to physically go check on child and parents would be in trouble.

  37. I am reminded of old movies I saw as a child reflecting the police state of world war II in nazi Germany where everyone had to carry their ‘papers’ with them. Is that where we are headed? Do we have to carry our vaccine papers saying we are vaccinated, do we have to worry that the very industry we go to for help will ‘turn us in’ if we disagree with their conclusions after a five minute meeting where they have to look at a chart to ‘know’ who we are!?!
    Growing up, we had a family doctor who knew everything about us every time we came. ‘How is your father doing now? Is he enjoying Florida?’
    I have been to see doctors for follow ups and have to ask so how were my results? And they scrambled around through papers looking for the answer.
    The medical profession has failed us in so many ways.
    Misdiagnoses, incorrect dosage of medication, etc
    The old joke comes to mind what do you call the person who graduated last in his medical school ? Doctor.

  38. Now Arizona (or other states) parents will be fearful of taking their child to the doctor. Great job, Arizona! You’ve put fear into the hearts of parents over a FEVER, which most of the time is easily treated at home.

  39. Thank you so much for informing us about this! It is unbelievable and is something that I feel like I would see in a futuristic movie about society going crazy. Wow. I love what the representative Townsend said. She really put it very eloquently and exactly my thoughts. I’ve already forwarded this on and I will post it to Facebook.

  40. This is a frightening story. And it’s exactly why Rockland county residents were not cooperating with local authorities–because it’s only a step away from having your kids taken away from you by power hungry government officials.

  41. Doctors/AMA/CDC/FDA/Big Pharma are all out of control. They need to stop immediately. What is next? The ‘state’ or federal government taking away all our children and this becomes more of a socialist environment.
    All sane and responsible adults need to stop this insanity.
    It is scaring the daylights out of me. How can police and the supposed justice system take control of our bodies?
    What’s next, I hate to ask.

  42. Veronica – I totally agree and I would be there with all my USA flags. This is going too far. We need to stomp out this type of oppression. If we don’t do it who will?
    There are thousands of people with autistic and harmed children or even adults who have been living with health issues due to vaccinations.

    We have to stop this tyranny.

  43. I live in Phoenix, Az. & while I am very pleased to hear that our Az. State Rep. Townsend, has replied against, & requested for the people of Az to educate themselves of the fundamentals of liberty, I am absolutely appalled by the way this whole event was started & handled. I am quickly losing my respect & trust in our health system & medical professionals, all together. Besides the Dr’s or nurses who are able to save a person from dying, the rest in my opinion are overpaid & given way too much power. They no longer care about humans they care about money. As for the Chandler police well I wont even go there.

  44. The persecuting agencies in various parts of our nation have yet again used legal and martial force to enforce their harmful and doubtful agendas. The response must necessarily be free speech exposure of this debacle and legal force from; the conscientious elected officials such as State Rep Townsend and other understandably outraged free citizens. Be they parents, future parents, employees of medical establishments, state workers and law enforcement agencies, etc.
    The State Pharma machinations have gone too far. A proportional response is long overdue.

  45. This is incredible I will never go near the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, AZ they were incredibly out of line in reporting the family and the state using gestapo methods that would never been used on illegals

  46. Educate yourself on normal anatomy and physiology of babies and children then do not go to the doctors for normal checkups–they are nothing but vaccine pushing appts. If you have to go to the ED, when they ask you if your child’s shots are up to date, lie and say yes. As long as you do not say anything to the contrary the staff will take your word for it. I have been a RN for over 30 years and have worked in the ED.

  47. The biggest problem with this type of situation occurring will be that parents of unvaccinated children everywhere will NEVER feel comfortable taking their children to doctors’ for anything. I am so disappointed to hear that the doctor who called DHS was from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine. I would have hoped that this individual (doctor) would have worked with the parents in a more positive manner. It really sounds like Nazi Germany all over. Have we learned NOTHING from history. God help us all.

  48. This is absolutely horrifying that such an abuse of power would take place in this country. Breaking down the door at 1:00 a.m. by a SWAT team? Terrifying young children? Ripping them out of the arms of their loving parents? Seriously?!

  49. So, they were so concerned about this one child and his ‘horrid disease’ yet the thousands coming over our boarders with illnesses out the ying yang…..are okie dokie.
    I smell a huge RAT !!!

  50. Since 2012 CA has been in an uphill battle with CA Sen Richard Pan, and Senator Ben Allen, pushing for mandated vaccinations with no exemptions SB 2109, SB 277, now SB276, all lead up to the above. Forced western medicine medical procedures, any alternative way toward stay well be damned. This is not going away unless parents banned together. Continued prayers for this family, as the state of Arizona is trying to set a precedent.

  51. So no one considered tut he other child vomited because SWAT teams came into their home? This is incredible. I cannot imagine anything more traumatizing for a child or a family. PTSD is real, especially for sensitive people. People get sick sometimes. That is not child abuse! And doctors get it wrong far more often than they get it right. Goes to show there are wolves in sheep’s clothing everywhere. So many chronically ill with autoimmune diseases doctors don’t know HOW to help appropriately and ignore – then we have this. Drs need to learn the ROOT causes and understand parents are not to blame. Unbelievable that we are in the 21st century still using 19th and 20th century technology when it comes to OUR bodies & health. Shame shame shame on those who abuse power over others while they themselves are blind to the rest of Humanity. Unbelievable disconnect.

  52. We did not vaccinate our four children. Two months ago I received a call from the HighSchool Principal that a case of measles was reported in the School. In the message he stated, “As a cautionary measure for immune compromised students” we need to alert you that you can take your child out of school as a safeguard. I called the school nurse to see if the child with measles was vaccinated…She said, ” yes.”.Also made sure she new that the children who are vaccinated are immune compromised. She didn’t argue cause I’ve been praying and in every conversation with the school nurses educating them little by little.

  53. Healthcare costs are not high enough now the system is going to be using agencies such as child protective services and law enforcement officers “SWAT” unnecessarily to follow up on one physician’s opinion of maybe meningitis. Apparently, the physician didn’t get the message that the fever broke or if he did was insulted that his order wasn’t being carried out. The ER visit perhaps should be billed to the physician if he wants to be in total control. My perspective the mother can’t be too bad or she would have never taken her son to the physician’s office in the first place. The parents were concerned and did seek medical care when the child was running a fever. If the mother had taken the child to the ER then what would have been the reason to do so? In the ER individuals come in all the time with minor symptoms and sometimes ER’s are pushed to the limits with a large number of patients and long wait times not to mention as you leave an astronomical bill would have been given to them. Children run high temps a lot when they’re sick and automatically referring them to the ER for a lumbar puncture is ridiculous, pass the buck! I personally think someone’s ego was hurt. I have been in a lot of challenging medical situations over the years and diplomatically handling a situation can go a long way even when corrective action must be taken to promote the best outcome for the innocent children and to preserve the family structure. This case was so mishandled however the parents were acting on what they thought was right however who are the professionals in this case and who should know how to act. Are we forgetting here we have a mother that is pregnant and has another sick child and apparently money was a concern that was brought up maybe the finances were so limited that an unnecessary ER visit might have made the difference in them paying their other bills or even buying groceries? As a health care provider, could that physician have offered to see the patient at the office for follow-up wellness visit the next day? Yes, certainly this would have prevented this horrific situation from occurring and sparing these poor children this experience that will stay with them the rest of their lives. Patients should be educated about illnesses and two visits give a physician a double opportunity that gains a mother’s trust. Is the physician’s judgment biases because of the lack of a vaccine history? I am not from Arizona but I do know child abuse cases occur in every state in the nation and all states are limited in their resources. So, ask yourself when a state handles a case in this way and continues to pursue a case like this when those children could be back in their own home environment now and with their own parents then what other “REAL” cases are not being addressed? The pursuant attitude of the so-called professionals at this point should want to resolve this case with everyone working together for the good of the children and not tearing apart a family if no history exists. The lifelong scars are being inflicted on so many individuals to include undue stress on the mother’s current pregnancy. The state of Arizona is not interested in resolving this case apparently since the Chandler Police department was recommending child abuse charges in March for the mother and father. Solutions should be sought and apologies should be given in good faith instead of being fearful that perhaps repercussions of previous actions could result in a future lawsuit. When you have a situation where Arizona’s State Representative Townsend was stepping forward to rendered aid because she could see the fallacies in this ethical case then the question of why can’t other Arizonian officials see the fallacies too that occurred and when will an amends be made for this fmily?

  54. The only child abuse here is by the state. This was a statement by the state that says “we own your children – you do not”. Surely ANY parent – even the most rabid pro-vaxxer – cannot accept this violent assault on innocent children?

  55. Healthcare costs are not high enough now the system is going to be using agencies such as child protective services and law enforcement officers “SWAT” unnecessarily to follow up on one physician’s opinion of maybe meningitis. Apparently, the physician didn’t get the message that the fever broke or if he did was insulted that his order wasn’t being carried out. The ER visit perhaps should be billed to the physician if he wants to be in total control. My perspective the mother can’t be too bad or she would have never taken her son to the physician’s office in the first place. The parents were concerned and did seek medical care when the child was running a fever. If the mother had taken the child to the ER then what would have been the reason to do so? In the ER individuals come in all the time with minor symptoms and sometimes ER’s are pushed to the limits with a large number of patients and long wait times not to mention as you leave an astronomical bill would have been given to them. Children run high temps a lot when they’re sick and automatically referring them to the ER for a lumbar puncture is ridiculous, pass the buck! I personally think someone’s ego was hurt. I have been in a lot of challenging medical situations over the years and diplomatically handling a situation can go a long way even when corrective action must be taken to promote the best outcome for the innocent children and to preserve the family structure. This case was so mishandled however the parents were acting on what they thought was right however who are the professionals in this case and who should know how to act. Are we forgetting here we have a mother that is pregnant and has another sick child and apparently money was a concern that was brought up maybe the finances were so limited that an unnecessary ER visit might have made the difference in them paying their other bills or even buying groceries? As a health care provider, could that physician have offered to see the patient at the office for follow-up wellness visit the next day? Yes, certainly this would have prevented this horrific situation from occurring and sparing these poor children this experience that will stay with them the rest of their lives. Patients should be educated about illnesses and two visits give a physician a double opportunity that gains a mother’s trust. Is the physician’s judgment biases because of the lack of a vaccine history? I am not from Arizona but I do know child abuse cases occur in every state in the nation and all states are limited in their resources. So, ask yourself when a state handles a case in this way and continues to pursue a case like this when those children could be back in their own home environment now and with their own parents then what other “REAL” cases are not being addressed? The pursuant attitude of the so-called professionals at this point should want to resolve this case with everyone working together for the good of the children and not tearing apart a family if no history exists. The lifelong scars are being inflicted on so many individuals to include undue stress on the mother’s current pregnancy. The state of Arizona is not interested in resolving this case apparently since the Chandler Police department was recommending child abuse charges in March for the mother and father. Solutions should be sought and apologies should be given in good faith instead of being fearful that perhaps repercussions of previous actions could result in a future lawsuit. When you have a situation where Arizona’s State Representative Townsend was stepping forward to rendered aid because she could see the fallacies in this ethical case then the question of why can’t other Arizonian officials see the fallacies too that occurred and when will an amends be made for this fmily?

  56. I am disturbed by this case, but disturbed also be a few comments regarding “illegals” which I assume means people who have crossed into the U.S. and are undocumented. The immigration of people from one area to another has happened since people have been on the planet–and there is no question that many are crossing due to violence or extreme poverty.

    We also know that individuals recently immunized with weakened but live virus vaccines can also infect others, so outbreaks of measles should not be automatically blamed upon unvaccinated people, “illegal” or not.

    Anyway, to the case described, I believe this family did not use common sense when dealing with DHS and the sheriff’s department!

    I read an editorial in the Arizona Republic which claims that the child had a fever of 105–don’t know if that is accurate, but it would explain the doctor insisting that the family go to the emergency room to test for Meningitis…also it appears very imprudent that the parents refused to allow the police to see this child. From child welfare’s point of view, they must follow up with any report like this.

    Regardless, DHS and the sheriff are now behaving in what appears to me a vindictive manner. Once it was established that no abuse was occurring these children should not have been taken from their parents.

  57. This is a very socialist type of behavior and make no mistake about it, the nanny state is where the liberals and so-called progressives want to go. There was a young mom in our Bible study some years back who took her daughter to the ER one weekend. The girl had a history of digestive issues that the Mom was very carefully trying to address. There were 3 other children and the Dad in the home as well. A young ER doctor took it into her stupid head that the Mom had Munchausen’s Syndrome by proxy and called CPS who duly removed the mother from her own home!!!!! She was so distraught she could barely think! She was forced to stay in a hotel and was only allowed to see her children for a few hours a week with a CPS employee present.
    They couldn’t afford the hotel, but that didn’t matter to the CPS and the father was overwhelmed with 4 children to take care of and also work. They were from a state north of Indiana so they had no family nearby to help out. We asked her about the girl’s history and told her the GP’s records should show the previous problems. She had been so upset and worried she hadn’t even thought of it, nor had her husband. They were forced to get a lawyer and when it went to court after four or five months, the judge ripped the hospital to pieces and admonished them severely. He recommended that the family sue the hospital who had even ‘lost’ some of their records. The family, restored to each other, left the state as fast as they could get out and I doubt if they would even drive through Indiana again and who can blame them?
    Doctors misdiagnose all the time and blithely recommend expensive drugs that insurance won’t pay for without thinking that most people simply cannot afford all this stuff and then ER visits and so on and so on. It’s time for us all to get very vocal, become very informed and work on remaining healthy. There’s a new book entitled “Eat to Beat Disease” by Dr. William Li. The title speaks for itself. We need to educate ourselves about health and don’t think we can’t do it. I have a clinic and I constantly see people who have paid thousands of dollars, even in co-pay, and are still looking for healing. Doctors get it wrong all the time and are not even allowed enough time to interview patients and think about their conditions to figure out what’s really wrong. Public companies are running hospitals with accountants counting the shots and limiting the amount of time doctors can spend with their patients.
    Gestapo tactics, like in the aforementioned case, CAN NOT BE TOLERATED. After what happened to the lady in my Bible study, and that was without the Gestapo Swat team, this poor family will be traumatized for years. I’d rather go to a Veterinarian than the ER myself.

  58. Children are precious and that a medical person is concerned and reports concern is not a crime. In fact, we in the medical profession are required to report suspicious behavior on behalf of a child.
    DCF is too often amiss in how they handle reports. It is all too easy to run amok of this underfunded, under-educated government system. All government entities concerning children are underfunded including public schools.
    In dealing with DCF, (and remember DCF differs from state to state), first of all, assume they have good intent and concern for the child.
    Second, when reporting to the media, be accurate. “A fever” should be reported precisely.
    I bet the fever was very much higher than the sloppy account of “a little over 100”.
    The best way to handle any such “unhappy, poor” encounter with DCF is cooperate fully and then later sue. There are legal people who will help you for free. You probably won’t win, but the suit itself will cause increased funding for these underfunded & under-educated government agencies (that can obtain power over your children) and that funding will lessen the probability of mistakes on the next child. Ascribe good intent to them, like you want good intent ascribed to you when you, for whatever reason, chose to act outside of society’s recommendations.
    We have the right to not vaccinate and that is a precious right. We need to keep that right.
    Please keep in mind that since 9/11, Homeland Security has become something you do not know much about. Get informed. Join CERT. Join MRC. Get informed. Gone are the days of the kind policeman you recognize. It is a new environment. Get informed. Ascribe good intent & get informed.
    Government agencies are now tied together in a web on our behalf. What that means is to run amok with any one agency can trigger a landslide (swat team) at your door. Be informed.

  59. Un F ing believable!! And this is America?? I’ve been feeling the authorities of government use the police for their own BS whenever it’s needed. It’s been going on for a very long time and only gets worse every year. What’s happened to this family will someday soon start happening to all of us. The excuse to do this to us will be a whatever they need it to be. This is our government. Let’s TAKE IT BACK!!

  60. It is quite ironic that the doctors opinion is taken so seriously when it is pro vaccine, yet here in California a doctors ability to write vaccine exemptions is being taken away. And Arizona still has Philosophical exemptions to vaccines. So much for the parents wishes and the law. I hope these kids are OK. They never think about the psychological effects to a young child when they force these actions. We are heading down, and are already down a very dangerous and scary road in this country in many places.

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