Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

Canadians May Have to Get COVID Booster Shot Every Nine Months

COVID shots for Canada

On July 4, 2022, Canadian Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos said Canadians may be required to get a COVID-19 booster shot every nine months to protect themselves against new variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Duclos said, “The virus evolves and Omicron made us aware we will never be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. We have to maintain our vaccinations up to date.”1

Currently in Canada, “fully vaccinated” is defined by Health Canada as having two doses of any of the public health agency’s approved COVID vaccine.2

“Fully Vaccinated” Makes No Sense Anymore Says Canadian Health Minister

Minister Duclos’ message may be directed to people who have not received their first booster.3 Government officials in Canada have said that, as of June 19, 2022, almost 81 percent of the total population has received the first two COVID shots but only 49 percent of the population has received a booster shot.4

Colin Furness, PhD, an epidemiologist from the University of Toronto and Nazeem Muhajarine, PhD, an epidemiologist from University of Saskatchewan, said that uptake for the third dose of a COVID shot has been slow in comparison to that of the first and second doses due to the fact that the vaccine was initially presented to the public as being comprised of two doses, giving people the idea that was all they needed to do to prevent having a serious case of COVID disease.5

Dr. Furness said:

That’s the mental model that most people had. So when we started to say you kind of need a third dose now … [they] said, ‘You sold us an idea that there was a two-dose vaccine and I signed on, now you’re changing the deal and I don’t like that, I’m walking away.’6

When asked if the COVID vaccine mandate would return in the fall of 2022, Minister Duclos responded:

We must continue to fight against COVID. We want to be prepared for next fall, and that requires an up-to-date vaccination, which is based on the nine months.7

Minister Duclos also made it clear that no one is “fully vaccinated” anymore. He said:

Nine months is very clear and will help people understand why ‘up-to-date’ is the right way to think about vaccination now. Fully vaccinated’ makes no sense now. It’s about ‘up-to-date.’ So am I up-to-date in my vaccination? Have I received a vaccination in the last nine months?” He added that, “Up-to-date’ means you have received your last dose in the past nine months. If you’ve already received a first booster, that’s great. Please see if you’re eligible for a second or third booster to remain up-to-date.8

Majority of Canadians Willing to Get a COVID Booster

According to the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS) conducted in the fall of 2021, 86 percent of Canadians aged 12 and older reported that they were “very” or “somewhat likely” to get a COVID booster shot.9

The survey showed differences across different populations with respect to willingness to receive a COVID booster dose. From September to mid-November 2021, women were slightly more likely than men to report being willing to get a booster dose (87 percent versus 85 percent). Among youth aged 12 to 17.84 percent reported a willingness to get a booster, which was similar to adults aged 18 to 49 (83 percent). Older Canadians aged 50 and older reported higher booster dose willingness (89 percent) compared with the younger age groups.10

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13 Responses

    1. Yes exactly!!! I was going to say don’t move to Canada if you don’t ever want a booster shot every 9 months!!! Very alarming and crazy. They just changed the criteria of “fully vaccinated” from last year. I don’t trust CDC. Hey Dr. Fauci, just shut up and stop bull—- us.

  1. IF one could believe anything anymore, which one CANNOT, then 86% of Canadians “surveyed” over 12 years of age are phenomenally SELF-DESTRUCTIVE.

    One small step for the individual, one giant step towards mass destruction.

    Stay God-Centered!


  2. All I can say for everyone in this world, is that no one has the right to make you wear a mask, or get a vaccination. Believe me, none of the people from the CDC, or at least most of them are not injecting themselves, or wearing masks, unless they are on TV. Do you really think people in the Federal government, well, the higher people are getting vaccinated? From what I have read, and also people that I know, there are so many people that have been adversely affected by these vaccines. There are only two reasons they are doing this. For complete control, and secondly, for population control. Also, all of the known people that we hear about in the CDC or WHO, are paid to promote these things.

  3. Flu cases go down by the amount covid cases go up. Yearly death rate stays about the same. Notice how the flu isn’t mentioned anymore? All about control and experimentation on the population.

  4. 86% said they would.
    Actually only 49% did.
    The booster don’t last 9 months.
    Only 1 or 4 months if at all.

    How long do they think they can get away with this lies?

    How many break through case and vaccine reactions can they hide?

  5. maybe that is the new direction because Trudeau has shares in the production side of the vaccines ingredients. He should be charged with Treason!!! HE also wants Canada to be the model the new WEF test pilot. F** Trudeau and his cronies!


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