Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

Federal Vaccine Mandates Controversial Amongst Nurses

Along with COVID’s decline, the recent mandate from the White House that forced vaccines for health care workers is pretty much taking its toll on nurses. … Personal reasons led Jean-Marie to leave her vocation [as a nurse] in recent years, but bureaucratic reasons now bar her from ever returning until she decides to vaccinate herself. I think it was disheartening to hear many people, including some Supreme Court justices discussing the fact that they feel that health care workers have no right to their own bodily autonomy.

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6 Responses

  1. The nurses and medical staff already put themselves in harms way and now you ask them for even greater risk to serve? Nobody has the right to even ask that ever! And I believe that judge made that clear in court case of the Air Force pilots against another vaccine?

    1. It seems the wrong question was asked in the case of the healthcare workers. The Supreme Court decided the federal government has the right to put stipulations in their contracts to pay for services. The question wasn’t turned to address the specific stipulation of a covid vaccine. Makes me so frustrated with our legal system!!

  2. The healthcare company I work for continues to punish the unvaxxed. We just got notified that anyone with a medical or religious exemption will be required to be fit tested for n95 mask. This will be required for your whole shift. How is this not discrimination? But somehow they get away with it. They said it’s a CMS requirement and not an organization mandate. How can anyone threatythe Medicare reimbursement, it’s all taxpayers dollars! Not their money to decide where it goes! Evil, pure evil

    1. At least they received accommodation and are able to keep their jobs, potentially look for new ones without relocating in the meantime. Religious exemption removed in NYS so facilities say they are unable to accommodate due to “undue hardship” and are fired. You don’t qualify for unemployment benefits because you’re considered non compliant with work policy.

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