Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

CDC Investigating Local Woman’s Death After J&J Vaccine

The CDC is investigating the death of a woman from Ionia County just days after receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Thirty-five-year-old Anne VanGeest died April 19th, 11 days after getting the Johnson & Johnson shot and six days after the CDC ordered a pause to investigate an extremely rare but severe type of blood clotting issue.

4 Responses

  1. The CDC is corrupt and these preventable deaths and adverse effects from the “vaccines” are killing people which is an intolerable outrage!

  2. It seems the same companies keep giving injections after reports of blood clotting. They will wait for a week or two and resume giving them again. AstraZeneca is another one.

  3. Hi Lynn, they keep giving these defective vaccines because there is no incentive to stop. They can’t be held liable. In 1986 the federal government decided to make vaccine companies immune to law suits. Check it out. That to me is enough to not get another vaccine again.

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