Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

Global Vaccine Market Projected to Surge to $58 Billion by 2025

rising profits

The global vaccine market is expected to surge to $57.5 billion by 2025, up from $33.7 billion in 2018, according to new figures from market research firm Research and Markets of Dublin, Ireland.

The 7.9 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) predicted for the next 20 years is attributed to “increasing government initiatives towards immunization,” and “rising adoption of vaccines,” as well as a strong vaccine pipeline with technological advances in the industry. Additionally, the opportunities for market growth stem from a high prevalence of infectious diseases with potential to cause epidemics and the advent and expansion of the therapeutic vaccines market. Factors that may hinder growth include product recalls, stringent regulations and higher costs and time needed for vaccine development.

Pneumococcal vaccines held the market share in 2017. In terms of route of administration, there were more sales of intramuscular vaccines than vaccines using other routes of administration, such as subcutaneous, oral, intradermal and nasal vaccines. The report also named subunit, recombinant, polysaccharide and conjugate vaccines as garnering the greatest global market share, attributing it to increasing company focus on developing recombinant and conjugate vaccines and the “growing prevalence of diseases and increasing government initiatives.”

North America, Europe, Asia/Pacific, Latin America and Middle East/Africa dominated the market, with North America at the top of the list. However, the Asia/Pacific area is expected to grow at the highest rate (CAGR 8.9 percent) in the upcoming years.

Pfizer, Merck & Co., Sanofi, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson and Johnson, Takeda and AstraZeneca remained as some of the key players globally.1 2

The $57.5 billion estimate from Research and Markets is higher than the predicted $48 billion from an earlier 2018 report by Transparency Market Research.3


7 Responses

  1. Frightening scales regarding the known and verified conflicts of interests involved. Until vaccine manufacturers answer to personal liability, we are boycotting for life. Getting the shot then getting sick is as sure as the clock striking noon, it’s unavoidable. Meanwhile we’re rarely ill, except during vaccination time, then we get a little shed off and sniffle but it goes away quickly, much more quickly than those whom actually purposefully injected pathogens directly into their bloodstream. Completely out of control already, this vaccine shell game. If you want to stay healthy, eat organic and get the glyphosate out of your diet. Especially if you get vaccines, you should be eating organic to keep the unintended consequences of transmutative effects limited. My body. My choice.

  2. Fine and dandy; I won’t be participating. I haven’t received a vaccine in over 55 years. I have been better off without them. No sense starting that stupid lying BS again.

  3. Yeah, it’s been awhile since I’ve heard anyone say vaccines aren’t a profit center for the pharmaceutical industry, just a “public service.”

  4. If parents really knew what was going in the vaccines then they might think twice about having their children get one. I have not had one for over 40 years and maybe had the flu once. My choice too.

  5. Pharma’s are literally drug pushers. They don’t care about the person only the profit margin. I agree with Contanze – who will care for the vaccine damaged children? Who will care for all the human beings that die from these pushers?
    Who will be held accountable?
    My body, my choice.

  6. I have only had one viral or bacterial illness (food poisoning) in over 11 years now…. since I stopped vaccinating. I was sick all the time when I was a kid and I was was fully vaxxed up back then.

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