Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

Two Infants and a Toddler in India Die Shortly After Vaccinations

Indian baby's feet

Three children ranging from ages two months to three and a half years recently died in India following vaccinations. The first child, two-month-old Sharika Sharma, died on June 10, 2018, the morning after she was administered the second round of vaccinations under the Indian government routine vaccination program at the Community Health Center (CHC) in the town of Chinhat near the city of Lucknow (state of Uttar Pradesh), India.1

India’s vaccine schedule calls for infants to be given a first round of oral polio vaccine (OPV) and a pentavalent vaccine consisting of the DPT (diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus), HepB (hepatitis B) and HiB (Haemophilus influenzae type B) vaccines at six weeks and a second round of the same vaccines at 10 weeks—a total of 12 vaccines during one month.2

According to Sharika’s father, Vikas Sharma:

At the time of giving injection [on Saturday], they told us that the child may develop fever due to vaccination and asked us not to panic. However, my daughter’s condition started to deteriorate soon after. When she stopped responding slowly, we complained to the doctors. But the doctors sent us home saying she will be normal in a little while.1

Mr. Sharma said his daughter would not stop crying and developed a high fever on Saturday evening, so he took her to the CHC at around 4 am on Sunday. “We were told that her condition is serious,” said Sharma. “The CHC doctors referred her to Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital since the pediatrician was not on duty. At Lohia hospital she was declared brought dead.”1

On June 29, 2018, three-and-a-half-year-old Rani Kaivarta died after being vaccinated at the CHC in the village of Indasai in the Potka Tehsil area of Purbi Singhbhum district (state of Jharkhand). Rani died early in the morning just 15 hours after she was administered the OPV, rotavirus and pentavalent vaccines—a total of seven vaccines. Rani’s mother, Aarati Kaivarta, said that her daughter was healthy before vaccination, but that she died after returning from the health center.3

On July 4, another two-month-old baby died soon after being vaccinated in the village of Puskala in the Telkoi area of Keonjhar district (state of Odisha). While there are few details of the incident, a news report quoted the father of the deceased child as saying, “My child was vaccinated yesterday. After returning home, blood started oozing out twice from the spot where the injection was administered. Later, the infant didn’t consume any food and died around 1.30 am last night.”4

1 TNN. Girl child dies, family blames CHC staff. The Times of India June 11, 2018.
2 Vaccination as per the National Immunization schedule by Government of India. Health Center, IIT Kanpur.
3 News Desk. Child dies after vaccination, ruckus at CHC. The Avenue Mail June 29, 2018.
4 Odisha Sun Times Bureau. Infant dies after vaccination in Odisha’s Keonjhar; ANM detained. Odisha Sun Times July 5, 2018.

8 Responses

  1. It is amazing that so little babies suffer or even die after being administered so many vaccines at once. What is the government thinking having babies poisoned like that ?

  2. Does the author know if the vaccines were expired or not refrigerated? I have friends in Odisha. I am not anti-vaccine, but I also do not like so many being given at one time and so young. Can you please investigate your source and find out if there was any malpractice involved (expired vaccines or not stored properly)

  3. What if governments are not being naive? Especially Western countries where the profits are made. What if this is a giant, worldwide eugenics operation? Weeding out the weak among us? It’s time to stand up and fight these mandatory vaccine policies! Save the children!

  4. Sara, There is no such thing as a safe vaccine. The mandatory vaccine program around the world is genocide, plain and simple. Give those babies and children breast milk and proper nutrition, clean water, improved sanitation and hygiene… they’ll thrive, exactly what Big Pharma and the global elite don’t want.

  5. I just saw a patient with 104 temperate 5 days after receiving the MMR shot. The mother told me she spoke with the pediatrician who said that cannot be from the shot so she should go to the ED. I work at an urgent care and couldn’t believe the fact the doctor refused to believe it can be related…I see it often enough. Why can’t we believe what we see?

  6. I’m not surprised ! After all India and China are manufactures of
    Most… but probably ALL drugs in the world espically methanphetamine… which will “ bury us”( as Kruchchoft said in the 50’s ….. “ the white stuff”…..
    These evil people that are in charge of the drug world, can and will put anything deadly into what they manufacture for genocide purposes!!!

  7. We just had two children die in Samoa within minutes of being administered the MMR vaccine. How many more children are going to die before we say enough is enough?

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