Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

CDC: Autism Rate Going Up

blue boy in sneakers

Story Highlights

  • A new CDC report revealed that one in 59 eight-year-old children in the U.S. are have autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
  • Public health officials said that better identification of ASD among minority children may explain the increase.
  • Other researchers maintain the reported increase in prevalence of ASD among all children reflects a real increase in the once rare but now common brain and immune system disorder.

A report released by the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in April 2018 revealed that in 2014, one in 59 eight-year-old children across 11 communities in the United States were identified as having autism spectrum disorder (ASD).1 This latest official CDC estimate for prevalence of ASD among children is higher than for the years 2010 and 2012, when one in 68 children the same age were identified by CDC officials as having ASD.2 3

The CDC’s latest autism prevalence estimates are based on data collected in the agency’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network (ADDM)—a tracking system that is used to calculate the prevalence of ASD among 300,000 eight-year-old children in 14 U.S. communities.4 ADDM is an autism tracking system that was created after authorization and funding by Congress in 2000 and is operated by the CDC using health and education records.3 5 

Previous CDC reports on the prevalence of ASD were solely based on health records, but the most recent report includes data collected from education reports in states that allowed it, with the aim of capturing a more accurate estimate of the prevalence of ASD.6

In 2013, the National Center for Health Statistics (NCES) released an independent report with a similar estimate for the prevalence of parent-reported ASD in school aged children aged six to 17 years old for the years 2007 through 2011/2012. Parents responding to a national telephone survey were asked whether their children had ever been diagnosed with ASD and results of that survey yielded a prevalence estimate of 1 in 50 children affected with autism.7

Explanations Vary for Autism Increases in the U.S.

According to a press release by the CDC, the increase in prevalence of ASD can be partly attributed to improved identification of autism among minority child populations.3 In the 2012 report, Caucasian children were diagnosed with autism 50 percent more often than Hispanic children and 20 percent more often than African American children. In 2014, these figures changed significantly. Caucasion children were 20 percent more likely to be diagnosed than Hispanic children and 10 percent more likely than African American children.8

Antonio Harden, MD, director of the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Clinic in Stanford, California explained that in the “surveys from previous years there was significant underrepresentation of minorities, especially in black and Hispanic populations.”4 He adds, “This report shows significant improvement in the way things are being tallied.4

Stuart Shapiro, MD, PhD, associate director for science at CDC’s National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities said, “Autism prevalence among black and Hispanic children is approaching that of white children.”3 He adds, “The higher number of black and Hispanic children now being identified with autism could be due to more effective outreach in minority communities and increased efforts to have all children screened for autism so they can get the services they need.”3

 The CDC report pointed out that the inclusion of education records and some changes in the geographic surveillance area could possibly also have contributed to the increase in the autism rate.1 4 The report also cautioned that the rate of autism is not representative of the entire country since the 11 communities surveyed in the report represent approximately eight percent of eight-year-old children in the U.S.3

Is the ASD Increase Simply a Result of Better Reporting?

The CDC’s report implied that reported ASD increases are simply due to more accurate identification, diagnosis and reporting. Although some experts believe that this is more than likely the reason behind the reported increase of ASD, they also do acknowledge that it is not possible to know this for certain.4 The higher rate could also indeed mean that more children in the U.S. are developing autism.

Dr. Harden states:

There were two reports in 2010 and 2012 that made us feel that the prevalence rates were leveling off; one in 59 is a little bit higher than the previous one. People in the field do not believe that there is an increase in cases or that the incidence is higher. People feel, including myself, that there is an increase in recognition, particularly in minority populations.4

CDC’s epidemiologist Daisy Christensen, PhD also stated that she believes the latest autism prevalence rate is due to better reporting, but noted that, “We can’t rule out an increase in risk or a change in risk factors among children who are ascertained by our surveillance network.”4

Spinning ASD Prevalence Increases

Escalating increases in the prevalence of autism, which was once a rare brain and immune system disorder that is now common among children, should be taken seriously. In the 1990’s, autism prevalence estimates ranged from one in 2,500 to one in 1,000 children.9 By 2000, the CDC estimated ASD prevalence was one in 150 children and, by 2006, it had increased to one in 110 children.10

However, some autism advocates maintain that the CDC’s recent report on autism increases among minority children represents progress.4 6 Allison Singer, president of the Autism Science Foundation told USA Today that identification of ASD among minority children has positive implications in providing minority families with better access to services.11

CDC officials have expressed similar sentiments, arguing that the increase in identification of minority children with ASD reflected in the latest ASD prevalence report is important because children identified with ASD earlier in life are more likely to access services earlier and have more opportunities to reach their full potential.3

In their latest report, CDC officials stated:

With prevalence of ASD reaching nearly 3% in some communities and representing an increase of 150% since 2000, ASD is an urgent public health concern that could benefit from enhanced strategies to help identify ASD earlier; to determine possible risk factors; and to address the growing behavioral, educational, residential and occupational needs of this population.”1

Normalizing or Prevention?

Early diagnosis of ASD is crucial to provide timely and appropriate services to those in need. However, it should be equally urgent for public health officials to resist normalizing continuing autism increases.

All avenues for research into the causes of autism should be considered, including well-designed studies to investigate persistent reports that healthy children are developing autism following vaccination. When preventing autism becomes the focus of public health policies, fewer children will be in need of services.


1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder Among Children Aged 8 Years — Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, 11 Sites, United States, 2014. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 2018; 67(6): 1-23.
2 CDC. Prevalence and Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorder Among Children Aged 8 Years — Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, 11 Sites, United States, 2012. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 2016; 65(3): 1-23.
3 CDC. ASD: Data and Statistics. Apr. 26, 2018.
4 CDC. Autism prevalence slightly higher in CDC’s ADDM Network. Apr. 26, 2018.
5 CDC. Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network (ADDM). Apr. 24, 2018.
6 Upham B. New CDC Report Finds That the Autism Rate in the US Is Increasing.
7 lumberg SJ, Bramlett MD, Kogan MD et al. Changes in Prevalence of Parent-reported Autism Spectrum Disorder in School-aged U.S. Children: 2007 to 2011-2013. National Health Statistics Reports Mar. 20, 2013.
8 Sykes M. The Complicated Reasons Autism Rates Are Still On the Rise. Apr. 27, 2018.
9  Yeargh-Allsopp M. Past and future perspectives in autism epidemiologyMolecular Psychiatry 2002; 7: S9-S11. 
10  CDC. Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders – Autism and Developmental Disorders Monitoring Network, United States, 2006. MMWR Dec. 18, 2009; 58(SS-10).
11  Weintraub K. Autism Rates Continue to Climb, And Experts Don’t Know Exactly Why. USA Today Apr. 26, 2018.

32 Responses

  1. I think that levels of autism today are akin to an epidemic. Research into the prevention of autism should be given top priority. The costs of autism is huge both medically, in our education system, and in society. There is going to be a huge percentage of young people today who won’t be able to function as independent adults. Our children our the future and their health should be given top priority. Our environment is poisoning them in the name of corporate profits and it needs to be stopped.

  2. I guess that Stephanie Seneff, PhD of MIT may have been correct in estimating that one in two children will have ASD by 2025……and NOTHING is being done about it…

  3. I call BS! Common sense says more vaccines = more autism. These companies and doctors that push these shots are evil!!
    Can’t people see this connection?!
    We are a nation of sheep.

    1. I agree with you. Americans are like sheep. They don’t know they were given brains to be able to think for themselves. Just whatever is in front of them, they trot closely behind, never questioning anything. Don’t know if it’s sad or ignorant. Wake up folks and do the research. I read somewhere that cancer is referred to as the cancer industry?????

  4. Nitpicking, spinning over 2014, what about the last 4 years? Why dont we have access to the real data? The “data mines” are the records in all of the Pediatric offices. Is it HIPPA that prevents this? Can’t that data be released without releasing the name or the identity of the child? Simply for the sake of knowing the truth? Real numbers across the United States? And what about young adults developing autism as they continue to vaccinate following the CDC schedule? And the military is another data mine. When my son was vaccinated and injured in the United States Marine Corps during boot camp his commanding officer called me and said, “Maam, we expect 25% of the troops to drop with their vaccines.”

    1. The purpose of all the medical privacy regulation is to make it easier to hide what is really occurring in US health care system. Medical mistake kill 250,000 a year and we hear nothing about it. 12 people die of Ebola and OMG.

  5. quote: ”People in the field do not believe that there is an increase in cases or that the incidence is higher. People feel..there is an increase in recognition..”

    That may or may not be true, but we all know that this small sampling does not clearly represent the real count either. These are just the cases that are ‘recognized’, reported and included in the statistic. The REAL number is likely much higher.
    Even more concerning is: What will happen to our country when this brain damaged generation reaches adulthood? Who will speak for them? Who will take care of them?
    The autism epidemic is a serious economic and cultural crisis that effects the entire country.

    1. Anna, you ask a very good question: Who will take care of them? This applies to the growing number of Alzheimer patients, as well. Between Autism and Alzheimers, the country will have to devote more funds to these people who can’t care for themselves. Every annual flu vaccination contributes to the number of elderly who will join the ranks of those disabled just as the young are being sidelined by their massive vaccine schedules. We will all pay for this in our taxes.

  6. This is the story of my own son who went on to develop Autism and Seizures just before his 3rd Birthday about a week after his Pertussis booster shot. His seizure disorder worsened every year until it eventually took his life at the age of 17.
    Why must so many families be subjected to this devastating life changing condition. There are more children today getting Autism than these vaccines help!
    Profits over our children’s lives needs to stop now. No more victims, no more loss of life.
    We need to keep fighting this corruption and make the world a safer place for our children. This is unacceptable!
    What kind of future does a Nation have when 1 in 50 adults will have Autism after this generation becomes adults.
    This has got to stop!

  7. There is absolutely an increase in autism. Every time I go out in public I see an autistic child. It’s heartbreaking. They are everywhere. Recently I went to a wedding and at first it looked like there were no affected kids, that is, blatantly different in mannerisms. But as the night wore on I saw a couple of kids who had autistic gestures and seemed in a world of their own. It’s that common.

    1. Big Pharma lobbyists (BRIBERS) spend more in DC than any other entity.
      Twice as much as ‘oil & gas’ which spends twice as much as military,

      There ought to be a “special” vaccine for these CRIMINALS which is made out of lead; oh,there already is one, that is why “they” want to destroy the second amendment.

      These evil fuuks are earning some bad karma, very bad indeed.

  8. It most certainly is an epidemic when you think that a whole generation of children have been damaged by vaccinations.
    CDC is making money from vaccinations, they are not about to kill this case cow. Plus they were given freedom from prosecution-no liability-for loss or harm, given graciously by our bought and paid for legislators. These legislators are paid money as well to vote in favor of keeping the vaccine machine moving forward and certainly to vote against any investigation into the “cause of this epidemic”.

  9. Have you seen the new documentary called The Magic Pill?? Watch it and you’ll be amazed at the children that are featured who have autism and the great strides they make in five weeks with just diet.

    Gotta fix what’s going in to fix what’s coming out!

  10. the hole vaccine question could change in one day if the vaccine companies could be sued it court like other companies take away the immunity from law suits the change then will over night

    the then will not need to cover the increased vaccine schedule of many more shots at once this is needed to cover the now lower of thermisol per shot
    less than .05 ppm is not the same as NO thermisol
    .05 x 4 shot a once now your right back up to the same level of mercury preservative.
    See we lowered the level of mercury preservative and no change in the increasing autism rate
    it cant be the company’s fault!!!

  11. Recent testing shows roundup is also in vaccines and Dr Seneff from MIT has shown the increase correlates with increase use of roundup in agriculture.

    I tested some of her discoveries and my granddaughter went from .9 to 2.4 in four months following her suggestions. .9 means not ready for first grade yet she had gone to first grade for 2 years and was starting second at .9.

  12. A couple of cases of measles and it is labeled epidemic, so more vaccines are mandated. Then we get more autistic children. I am scared to death because the experts point out how prevalent it is but will in no way tie it to vaccines. It is like a world wide cover-up or a conspiracy to destroy humanity.

  13. It seems as though Big Pharma is out to eliminate The United States of America. While many European countries are scaling back vaccination, the USA is pushing for mandatory vaccination for everyone. What are we going to do when receiving our Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security…depends on proof of vaccination like our children and school attendance. This matter should concern every human being. At this rate we are already doomed unless Euthanasia is the plan. Thank you Bill Gates you’re getting what you wanted “zero carbon footprint”. We will not be able to afford the care of all the Neurologically damaged people even with the largest economy on the planet. Think about it. Wake Up America!!!!!

  14. Profits over People. That’s the primary objective of this sickening, man-made epidemic. Slightly off-topic, but still closely related to the hidden agenda of poisoning the minds of our children, is the eye-opening book, “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America”. It is an in-depth look at the atrocities that have been taking place to sabotage our educational system, as a means to create subservient citizens, socially engineered starting from childhood. It is no wonder the American educational system is experiencing increasing numbers of Special Education students. It has all been done by design for far more sinister reasons than we can imagine.

  15. Big Pharma makes a ton of money with all these vaccinations. Governments approves these vaccinations because the big pharma lobby has convinced our politicians to support vaccinations by donating BIG DOLLARS to the politicians election coffers. Big Pharma makes tons of BUCKS by keeping us sick but never curing our ailments.

  16. I am appalled by these comments! I am a grandmother of an Autistic boy. He did not deserve this or his parents or any other children/parents. How do these people that know the cause of Autism SLEEP? These comments are relevant. What is going to happen? How can this Greed stop? My HEART HURTS!

  17. I have been making some google searches to compare U.S. states that require the most vaccines and the rates of long term adverse medical conditions of children in each state. While there did not appear to be a direct 1 to 1 association between the two, there was enough of a collation to make one wonder if there is not some type of relation between the vaccines and the higher rates of negative medical conditions children seem to develop.

    The medical research seems to indicate that the vaccines are unrelated to the negative side effects some groups are suggesting. However, none of the studies I looked at compared the order nor timing of the vaccines given. In fact most of the test data I found only reviewed individual vaccine(s) for their safety.

    In order to hopefully make a potential hypothesis, which occurred to me, clear about what might be causing the negative adverse reactions in children after taking the required extreme vaccine regiments, I am going to over simplify this very complex subject.

    It does not matter if one is a cook or a chemist, both understand that there is a reason we mix some items together in a particular order. A very basic chemistry example regarding the importance of doing things in the proper order would be the difference between dumping acid into water and dumping water into acid. For those that do not know (depending on the type of acid) one of the two options is fairly safe while the other will, shall we say, get your undivided attention.

    This leads me to wonder could there be a possible link with the order and/or time between the vaccines being given and the negative medical side effects some families have experienced. If this hypothesis should be true, it could explain many of the variations of negative side effects found in children of different states. It would also explain why the individual vaccines show as being safe when tested. Yet when the vaccines are given ‘in the field’ we seem to have a growing rate of negative medical conditions.

    Some of the studies suggest that since the extreme vaccine regiments have started being required, the number of children effected with some type of long term negative medical condition has increased to an extremely alarming rate of about 1 in every 45 children.

    Vaccines may not have anything to do with the increase. However it is as good of a place as any to start looking for possible links to the dramatic increase of negative long term medical conditions we are seeing in today’s children.

    Until more serious independent research/studies are done, I would personally suggest that states re-evaluate their vaccination requirements. And suggest vaccines for non-life threatening and lower risk illnesses (for example: chicken pox) be made optional rather than mandatory.

  18. No medication, Vaccine, Inoculation or Herbal or Home Remedy is 100% safe. Pharmaceutical drugs state their efficacy and their risks (based on years of research) and are peer reviewed by the FDA, while Herbal or Home Remedies are a pure role of the dice. Anti-vaxxers are, in the whole, good people that, for whatever reasons, have it deadly wrong on their information, knowledge, and/or beliefs concerning vaccines and inoculations. If one/anti-vaxxers want to put their children (and themselves) at high risk for a fatal disease, and be a viable contributor to the next national epidemic…then continue as you are. Also remember that anecdotal stories do not hold an iota of data supported testing and research. If a mother or father wishes to put their child and themselves, and those they come in contact with, in danger of becoming seriously ill the, as stated above, just continue as you are.

  19. If you don’t vaccinate your child they are not allowed to go to school period. My child was given three shots at once and some red liquid. She contracted a fever that night. Her life was never the same. My baby began to just stare into space. She stop responding to me. The things she knew it was like someone came and erase them from her mind. I was in denial for awhile because the doctors told me vaccination were safe. So I thought that maybe I was just over -reacting. It took them four years to diagnose her. I am angry with myself and them.

  20. What is causing the rise and why? Newborns these days are given more and more vaccines, and now the MMR vaccine is not just given once to newborns it’s given to them three times on separate occasions! And now every newborn gets a shot of vitamin K just in case they have internal bleeding! WHAT?!!! Use common sense! Vitamin K thickens the blood, thick blood moves slower through your body which means oxygen is not getting to your brain as quickly! I believe it was Stalin that said something to the effect – it’s fortunate for the governments of the world that the masses of people do not think for themselves! Open your eyes and do your own research, the CDC and the federal government are not out for your best interests!!! Why is that? The world population is spinning out of control, so the few ranchers need to weed out the huge herds of cattle!

  21. The more things change the more they seem to stay the same… Many parents, like myself, will tell you, “I know what happened to my child.” But all we get is quotes like, “The science is settled,” and, “not vaccinating your child puts other children at risk.” When I was a kid if you got the measles your parents called your friends parents and we all got to have a slumber party. No one died, and we didn’t know about Autism. If parents were caught doing that now they would take those kids away. It was not that long ago that we were using leaches and handing out lobotomies like candy, and 9 out of 10 doctors smoked Camel’s. The same people who trust the experts because there “informed” are the same to tell you there are no such things as ghosts or aliens, until they get haunted or abducted, or take your kid to get his shots and he gets a fever and stops speaking. Officially those thing cant happen, until it happens to you, and once it happens it’s difficult to come to terms with, because now your a crack pot, not to mention a villain because I’m afraid, because I know at this point it’s very likely that he will never be able to live on his own, if it happens again he could conceivably end up in dippers judging by what he has lost already. At 11 Michael is nearly 200lbs and stronger than most of my friends. What they have taken from my son is immeasurable to be sure, but when we try to bare wittiness and protect what little he has left the backlash from all those “informed/educated” masses who like to spout off about how it’s my fault that hundreds of children will die this year of the measles. I may not have a Phd, but I don’t need a weatherman to tell me which way the wind blows. As for all those who think “the science is settled”, I hope they all get abducted by aliens.

  22. Dear God, help us all! Do the research. There is so much corruption, greed, apathy, pride, ignorance, and evil in the medical/pharmacuetical field. Pediatritions and doctors who don’t know the truth have no excuse. It’s their job to protect instead of harm and destroy. The truth is blatantly obvious to anyone with an ounce of common sense and it doesn’t take long to find the truth. Doctors take an oath to do no harm. My heart breaks for those affected by autism and other vaccine consequences. I don’t blame the parents at all. They trusted their docors. You used to be able to do that. Not any more. Not for quite a while.

    It was commom growing up to get measles, mumps, chicken pox, etc.. I never heard of or knew anyone who was hospitalized or died from these outbreaks. What wasn’t common or even heard of was autism. And it’s not because there was a problem with diagnosing autism. The fact is autism was extremely rare. Ther first known case of autism was seen in the 1930s, not surprisingly until after vaccines were introduced. Back then there were very few cases because the vaccine schedule wasn’t insane.

    And even more bizarre and beyond outrageous is vaccinating newborns with a Hepatitis B shot. Are newborns sexually active? Do they share needles when as they shoot up to get high? Really. My anger and outrage cannot be measured.

    Vaccines contain toxins – aluminum and even “safe” vaccines contain toixins that destroy brains and bodies and lives. Entire families lives. Besides the devestating heartbreak of autism on any level, ADD, ADHD, asthma, severe allergies andy many other illnesses were rare compared to what you see today.

    I know someone who works in the school system. He is astounded at the number of autistic and unhealthy children he sees today compared to when he began his career. One more autistic child was registered for school today. It’s not surprising at all anymore. It’s sad. So very sad. And so unnecessary and avoidable.

    Be your child’s advocate. No one else will be. Especially his/her doctor. You really don’t have a choice. At least do the research and definitely don’t trust those making money off of these vaccines. Doesn’t every baby and child deserve at least that? Again, no guilt for those parents who trusted their doctors. Who would have ever thought it would come to this?

    Through the years some pregnant moms have done everything right even when vaccines weren’t such a nightmare and they still ended up delivering unhealthy babies at times. That’s a totally different story. The problems could not have been prevented. What we are faced with now is totally different and avoidable if those in charge had a soul. But they don’t. And here we are. As I said, God help us.

    Those of you who care, are struggling, suffereing – you are in my prayers which I pray often. Those of you who want to bash me and others for telling the truth – go for it. You will eventually lose and leave much destruction in the process, not that you care. And you will be absolutley accountable. Some day. I wouldn’t want to be you.

    Dig deep. The truth is there. I really do want the best for everyone.


  23. Clarification:

    Autism is a rare genetic condition that has been around for a very long time. People with autism are born with that condition. There is no cure.

    What I am talking about is brain damage caused by aluminum, etc. in vaccines injected into pregnant women, babies, and children. Even adults in some cases.

    Many conditions are now lumped into the autism catagory. It is deceiving and confusing to the public. The CDC, FDA, medical community, government, etc. can say that vaccines don’t cause autism because they truly don’t. THEY CAUSE BRAIN DAMAGE – NOT GENETIC AUTISM.

    Vaccines can and do cause BRAIN DAMAGE and also mess up our God-given immune systems that we would naturally develop through breast feeding as infants, exposure to natural bacteria, a combination of systems that we are equipped with.

    Also common sense in taking care of ourselves, proper sanitation, good hygeine, and healthy nutrition help us to fight disease very effectively. I’m talking about the vast majority of people. Not those with underlying medical conditions. And some, not all of those medical conditions – could they be vaccine related? No, of course not, they scream.

    Plus the highly vaccinated don’t protect the medically compramised. That’s another lie. They can be carriers. There is much proof for those who want the facts. There is no such thing as herd immunity. Research it. Really research it.

    Brain damage caused by vaccines can look similar to genetic autism, but these are two totally different conditions. One is absolutely preventable. The other is not.

    Who cares? Virtually no one unless they or someone they care about has been brain damaged by a vaccine.

    Calling it what it is may be a first tiny step in the right direction. But I don’t hold out any hope that anything will improve barring a miracle from God.


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