Saturday, September 07, 2024


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

— William Wilberforce

Irish Girls Harmed by Gardasil Vaccine

sick teenage girl
sick teenage girl
The European Medicines Agency’s (EMA) database lists 12,321 adverse reactions to Gardasil reported to the EMA from European countries.

In Ireland, there are continuing reports that the adverse effects of Merck’s Gardasil Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine is destroying the health of many teenage girls. The Irish Times reports that approximately 648 Irish girls have needed medical attention after receiving Gardasil.1 

Gardasil was introduced in Ireland in 2010. Since then, over 690,000 doses of Merck’s HPV vaccine have been distributed and 230,000 girls have received the recommended three doses of Gardasil.1 

Ireland’s Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) responded to The Irish Times stating that majority of the 648 cases (59 percent of adverse reaction reports) pertained to short-term “vaccine-related events” and needed minimal medical treatment. According to the government agency, vaccine-related events involve reactions such as fainting at the time of or after vaccination, injection site pain, redness and swelling, muscle pain, headaches and other temporary reactions.2 

A spokeswoman from HPRA stated,“Such reactions are typically transient in nature and require minimal medical intervention.2 She went on to say that, “The majority of reports we have received have been consistent with the expected pattern of adverse effects for the vaccine, as described in the currently approved product information.1 

The European Medicines Agency’s (EMA) database lists 12,321 adverse reactions to Gardasil reported to the EMA from European countries. Irish girls account for one in five of reported Gardasil vaccine reactions.1 

The EMA and HPRA refuse to acknowledge that Gardasil can cause permanent brain and immune system dysfunction. Both agencies maintain that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks.1 According to the spokeswoman, “The presence of a safety signal—(information about a new or known adverse reaction that requires investigation)—does not directly mean that a medicinal product or vaccine has caused the reported adverse reaction or event.1 

As a result of continuing reports of serious reactions and permanent damage to the health of girls who are healthy before vaccination and become chronically ill after vaccination, Irish parents are reluctant to provide consent to vaccinate their daughters with Gardasil. This has led to a drop in vaccinations rates for HPV.

In 2010, the vaccination rate for HPV in Ireland was 87 percent. Today, it has plummeted to 50 percent.3 


1 Cullen P. Almost 650 girls needed medical intervention after HPV vaccine. The Irish Times Sept. 12, 2017.
2 Cullen P. More than 80% of girls treated over HPV vaccine had only ‘transient’ effects. The Irish Times Sept. 12, 2017.
3 McGovern C. Protesters against HPV vaccine hold Motorway Campaign. Leitrim Observer Sept. 18, 2017.

3 Responses

  1. And, what are the long term effects? Who knows? Not used long enough to determine. Unfortunately when long term reactions occur they will be blamed on some

  2. The World Health Organisation global database of adverse drug reactions at includes 400 deaths (inc. 19 sudden deaths recently added) and 892 neoplasms (inc. cervical cancers and pre-cancers) amongst the 297.020 adverse reactions reported. They also acknowledge that only c.10% are reported.

    There is zero evidence that the vaccine will ever prevent a single case of cervical cancer – but the WHO still recommend it and state it is ‘safe and effective’. Does their left hand know what their right hand is doing?

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